Vineyard Date 🌹

Vineyard Dates Preparing for a Tasting
It’s not just about  the wine country, winery, or tasting room you want to visit with your date, there is more to the preparation itself.

Below you’ll find some basic information on what to do before you get ready for visit the tasting room on your date.

Vineyard Wine 🍷

Wine tasting is a sensory experience that uses all of your senses to help you understand and assess a wine’s qualities, going on a wine date can be fun,sexy, and exciting. If you know you are going on a wine date find out if it is casual or formal,and check to see if its indoors or outside. You will need to plan your outfit accordingly and also check the weather before you get dressed.

When tasting wine, you first examine the color, purity, and strength of the liquid. You may smell the scent of the wine by swirling it in your glass; when you inhale, you’ll be able to distinguish flavors like fruits, florals, spices, and oak from the vendor. The wine then coats your palate as you take a sip,sexy right. This activity is a great conversation starter.

Don’t over drink at the tasting 😕 nobody wants to see or be the drunk at a sophisticated event, especially on a first date.

In the end, you spit the wine out or swallow it, depending on how many wines you are tasting.

Ladies keep attention to the finish or aftertaste, which may linger on your palate. Take your time, enjoy each sip, and pay attention to how the wine changes as it warms in your mouth.

Preparing for a Tasting
It’s not just about picking up the wine country, winery, or tasting room you want to visit, there is more to the preparation itself. Below you’ll find some basic information on what to do before you visit the tasting room.

The rules are pretty simple,All you have to do is take a sip of the wine as normal. Then swish it around in your mouth, and after you have tasted it, spit it out into the spittoon.
That way, you can form an opinion about the wine without overdoing it. Remember, too, if you are the designated driver, you will be spitting out pretty much all your wine. So don’t be afraid to make preparations for a car service on this fun night.

Never go to a winery on an empty stomach. You may plan on spitting out some of your wine,  but it’s likely you’ll end up drinking more than you realize, and the last thing you want to do is get drunk. And don’t drink if you’re pregnant or on medication. And please do have a meal with your date.

So, make sure you eat a large breakfast or lunch before you go. If you are visiting more than one winery during the day, feel free to pack a lunch. Wineries often have picnic areas, and you may even be able to do your wine tasting there with your date. Vineyard picnics are beautiful and romantic. They carry a beautiful vibe.

While you can bring your own food, don’t eat your lunch with wine from another winery. Obviously, that wouldn’t go over well with some venues,so do some  researching before you plan this date.

No matter what you do with your date, enjoy the experience with each other.

I hope this helps and feel free to email me if you need a stylist for your Vineyard Dates.

April 16 Selena Birthday

Happy birthday Selena may you rest in peace.

Selena Quintanilla-Pérez, known mononymously as Selena, was an American singer. Referred to as the “Queen of Tejano Music”, her contributions to music and fashion made her one of the most celebrated Mexican-American entertainers of the late 20th century.

Hey click , want to know a cool fact , I lived just around the corner from Selena’s parents home in Corpus Christi.

April Fashion Evening Gold’s

Happy April Fashion Topics

Some Roman authors thought that Aprilis was related to the Latin verb aperire meaning “to open,” because April “opened” the buds of leaves and flowers.

April Is Named for Aphrodite

April is named after the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. In the Roman calendar, the fourth month April is spelled Aprilis, meaning “to open.” Festivals which were planned for April included Parrilla, a day celebrating the founding of Rome, so wouldn’t it make sense to be festive in the month of April.

I wish everyone much love and blessings this month.

Blue Formal Spring Style

Spring Blues 💙 Formal Styles

It is the color of the ocean and the sky; it often symbolizes serenity, stability, inspiration, or wisdom. It can be a calming color, and symbolize reliability.

Blue Mood

Blue. Blue is the color of spirituality, intuition, inspiration and inner peace. It is also associated with sadness and depression (the “blues”). In healing blue is used for cooling and calming, both physically and mentally. In the aura blue indicates serenity, contentment and spiritual development.

Florals and Silver Heels 👠

Happy April 2nd , I smell and feel spring in the air ,and I see shoes on the street. Especially silver florals this year. Silver and light grey’s are a beautiful pairing for complimentary colors for florals. If you don’t want black try silver or light grey for a neutral base in your wardrobe. I use these colors when I don’t want to wear white.

Vacation Style For 2024

Do you need a break? From what?

Burnout is a form of exhaustion caused by constantly feeling swamped. It’s a result of excessive and prolonged emotional, physical, and mental stress. In many cases, burnout is related to one’s job. Burnout happens when you’re overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to keep up with life’s incessant demands.

Burnout is a form of exhaustion caused by constantly feeling swamped. It’s a result of excessive and prolonged emotional, physical, and mental stress. In many cases, burnout is related to one’s job. Burnout happens when you’re overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to keep up with life’s incessant demands.

Motivation Monday

It’s Motivation Monday

Mondays set the tone for the week, some of you believe in prayer,and some of you don’t but a humble loving prayer to God is great start of your day.

We all come from different backgrounds and beliefs,but prayer is an important tool for life.

I pray that your week will begin with blessings,and today will be start..

Fun February Friday

It’s Friday and it’s time to have fun today, what’s not to love about Fridays. Grab that bestie or besties and order some great take out food,or cook something at home. Just get you some grub,and make snuzzle spot on the couch or bed and let’s watch The Contract.

The contract Full Movie 🍿
Make a cozy spot with a plush warm blanket
Cozy Furniture and Fur

Tv Show Love Couples

It’s February and this month I will be doing tv and movie couples ,and celebrity couples. So starting today I will show you a favorite couple of mine ,and it is Jon Snow and Ygritte from the Game of Thrones.

Ygritte is a wildling living far ,far north of the wall. She is excellent with a bow and arrow,and has a sharp witty tounge ,and a fierce attitude to match. Ygritte appears in the A Song of Ice and Fire book series and is played by Rose Leslie on the HBO show “Game of Thrones.”

Ygritte falls in love with Jon Snow when he is posing as a member of the Free Folk. She later shoots him with arrows after she learns that he is still loyal to the Night’s Watch.

Cool fact is these actors fell in 💕 love forreal.

Ygritte was a woman of the Free Folk who lived north of the Wall. She was a member of Mance Rayder’s army and Jon Snow’s lover.

Love 💖 it’s so wonderful, happy February 1st. And check out the show Game of Thrones and the books.

Tips For A Career In Mediation

Career looks

Set your career goals up to your standards and don’t forget your life and career goals belong to you and they are for you! This means no one is responsible for your success but you.

Do you need a life coach or stylist DM me on my social media sites or email me or leave a comment for me here. Fell free to share and like any of my content.

Work Style For A Event Company Owner

There is nothing wrong with starting out as an associate and then working your way up to a manager,but my click should encourage themselves to be the owner of the company. I pray for grander achievements for my readers.

Your goals are only as big as you allow them to be.

What do you have in store for your self in 2024?

Don’t be afraid to chase after your dreams,all or some can and will come true.

I want you all to believe in yourself, I do love fashion, and there is more to what you wear. Your mind and soul is the reflection of your life style.

Do you need a life coach, connect with Rebecca Davis for an appointment.

Happy New Year 2024

Happy New Year to everyone it’s finally 2024 and let’s hit these city streets with a purpose. Life is short live for today and prepare for whatever tomorrow might bring you. Keep God first in your life and everything else will fall into place. Reflection of your soul is the key to success and survival. Reflect back on the positive and negative of 2023 only for 7 days take each 7 days to ask yourself what did I do right or great in 2023 and carry that with you in 2024 but only as a tool to do it even better for 2024. Make a goal list and try to knock it out . Look at the down falls or negative issues in 2023 and analyze it by not repeating those mistakes in 2024 . Good and bad happens in our life to teach us a lesson. Study it and move on .

Love Rebecca Davis

This is your moment in life

Tonight is for fun

Tonight Is For Fun

Fun Night Outs is what everyone needs and wants,plan ahead with friends to enjoy a fun festival of dancing and great vibes

Let loose , budget your fun activities,and live like it could be your last night on earth .

Love the life God has blessed you with and love your family and friends and pets too

Think positive,live positive and positivity will always be with you.

Bar Date Advice

Bar Date Advice

Meeting at the bar,can be casual . You can have the best time with someone in jeans and a top. Cute tops can be in any style,just don’t be that girl that has no style of her own and flaunts her body parts to get attention. Your beautiful personality should be what attracts people to you. Your clothes only complement your taste and attitude that is within you. If that person is a jerk and makes you feel uncomfortable walk away.

Remember to use bar safety tips when meeting someone one you met online. Like watch your drink, be careful with revealing to much information about yourself,and watch your purse. Thief’s go on dates too. And have a buddy check in place.

Working With A Motivation Coach

Working norms are  changing, and remote and hybrid jobs are becoming a new normal. Now when people say “the office” ,it  is often a home based  office, or a hybrid workplace, or wherever you want to set up shop that has great internet.

Simple work from home style

 As a work from home blogger myself it can be difficult to find reliable and truthful work from home jobs that actually have real work that pays well. And I know that many companies struggle to find reliable,and honest employees that they can trust to work from home. Some psychological factors can play into the successful wins for both the employee and the employer. Many of you don’t know that I am a life coach,and I have certain specializations under my belt. Some of  the #1 job sites have reported to me in order  to find the best remote, work from home, and flexible jobs  is to have the best skills and experiences listed on your resume. A Great resume will be the door opener to a great work from home job. Research work from home jobs,and try going to work from home job sites and apps. This will be the key on  how to help you have a faster, easier, and safer job search. Just as I have helped millions of people online let me  help you in 2023 land a great job and style your environment for a great vibe.

Hire me or an associate to work with you or your company.

A simple work from home office
Creative office manager

Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year Everyone,This year is going to be great.

Let’s start 2023 off with a great vibe and mood,money may be tight but it is not everything. Money can open doors to opportunity,but don’t let it over shadow the golden free things in life which is more valuable. These things are good health, family, friends, being able to help others in need. Count your blessings big and small.

God bless you all Happy New Year 2023 is finally here

What Are Your Career Plans For 2023??

2023 Career Plans

Alot is happening in the marketing world with all the information of inflation and certain industrial sectors closing or not hiring. Looking for jobs can be a challenge in the digital world since alot more people are working from home.

Did you know that I have a religious degree from King Cross Bible College and one of my majors is Humanities and I have a certificate in Human resources management,along with other education and training under my belt.

I love helping people and when I see a need for change I don’t run from it. Alot of my viewers need to prepare for the bumpy economy ahead. I love fashion,but don’t go broke for it. With that being said here are some great businesses to break into .

My Advice For 2023 Career Planning

Written by Rebecca Davis 12/1/22

These careers and job investments can get you through the tough economic times ahead. Education planning is a must too.

Try opening or working for the Consignment Market industry,there are all types from electronics to fashion. Digital consignment is growing use social media and the internet to your advantage .

Become a sales consultant for meal delivery services ,with food shortages many people are using food subscription services. You can set your own schedule,but you have to market yourself well to turn profits.

Become a food subscription services coordinator,many of these food companies need drivers and coordinator to expand their market areas, research them and start your own business.

Become a local entertainment consultant,with higher gas and food prices people want more local entertainment and in state travel

Travel consultant and bloggers are actually growing because the people who can afford to travel want more in state travel ,and closer destinations.

Online Music Blogging and Promotion Consultant Jobs will boom. Yes . People will look for music therapy during tough times.

Child Care specialists

Medical supplies consultant and sales

Real Estate agents and investments

Maintenance Jobs

Pet Care Specialists

Gardening Consultants and Local Agriculture Providers

Book keeping

Payroll consultants

Security physical and Online

Pest Control

Self Defense Sales

Self Defense Training Instructors and Consultants

Local Canning Assistant

Homemaker Assistant

Networking Consultant

Telecommunications Consultant and Sales

Tech Sales

Tech Consultant

Teacher/Tutoring online and in person.

Digital Artist

Art Promotion Consultant

Promotion Consultant

Digital Style Consultant

Interior Decorating

Furniture Making Industry

Local Delivery Industry

HVAC control technician

Work From Home Space Design

Clutter Removal Sales or worker

Professional Organizer


Mobile Sales Owner (Food truck, Mobile Shops, Beauty Shops that are mobile)

Off Grid Maintenance Tech – All fields

Off Grid Consultant and Sales

Natural Consultant and Sales

Gardening Sales from home

Local food provider

Fashion Designer From Home

Mobile Medical Industry

Handyman/Woman Tech or owner

Warranty Sales and Insurance Provider

Solar and Alternative Energy Sales and Tech

Alternative Energy Appliance Maintenance and Tech,and Design


Hair Consultant

Hair Tangle Specialists


Materials Maintenance and Sales

Clean Energy Sales



Mediation Provider

Legal Consultant

Mental Health Field

I knew I threw alot at you, but many of these fields require little training and education.

Entrepreneurs are always in demand so follow your dreams and I wish you well in this new year to come

Winter Work Styles For The Office Professional

There is a jacket out there that is right for you

Pick what you love and what you can afford, budget and shop for the best quality and price. Check out the Goodwill and consignment stores. Don’t be afraid of garage/yard sales. I got a high fashion coat that is worth$500 at a garage sale.

Fashion is what you make of it.

Enjoy The Cold Weather Fashion

Thanksgiving Orange


When you think of orange people tend to see yellow and red on the spectrum of the visible light.

Hues of orange are great plays on any skin tone during the holidays.

Orange represents confidence, joy and enthusiasm.


Creativity, emotional balance, sexuality, harmony, passion, freedom, intuition, and expression of emotions.

Fashion and Color Knowledge

The Human eyes perceive orange when observing light with a dominant wavelength between roughly 585 and 620 nanometres. In painting and traditional colour theory, it is a secondary colour of pigments, created by mixing yellow and red. This is the power of orange.

Happy Thanksgiving

From Rebecca Davis -Owner

And The My Shopping Click Family

Be Thankful for the SMALL and the BIG Blessings that life gives you.

Try The Rose Collins Drink,found on

Bag Status

What does your bag say about you? Does it project wealth,power,or how important you are?

Many ladies are like I don’t know what my bag portrays and neither do I care,but in a way you should. Your bag is a necessity that carries much for you,but its like a pair of shoes ,it can say a lot about you. I think we should choose our bags for our necessities in life and not base them on money value. But sadly in a shallow world women can be judged on her handbag. Did you know Doctors and attorneys and CEOs tend to have bigger bags,not for money or wealth status,but for convenience. The same is for most entrepreneurs. Women like this have extra shoes in there bag, phones,laptops,tablets etc. Its like an army bag for survival. They carry documents and stuff in their.

Regular women such as managers,teachers accountants tend to go for medium bags,the less is more for a busy day.

Moms on the run may usually have a back pack or large /medium bag for there utilities and the items for kids.

Younger swifty ladies carry more clutches and travel bags and there usually smaller. Its for convenient uses and they are usually in a general position and they don’t need all of the compartment space.

Yes our bags can predict our status in life crazy,crazy .

Casual Weekend Style For Work And Leisure

Its the weekend and you have those short work days .You want to be professional but casual. Grab some jeans and dress them up or get that casual dress to wear.

Casual work style can be professional and sexy. Casual for work and Weekend Play. Its the best of both worlds.

Remember its the weekend don’t work too hard ,have a little fun in between work if you can ,it good for the mental health.

Education Style

Education Style

Here are some trendy fashion ideas for ladies who want to work in the education administration field.

Education is a great career field for new graduates,or those making a career change.

Have you considered a career in education, if so grab your resume and get to job hunting.


These are some important skills and traits one will need if they plan on working in a University/College or Education Center. These skills are for the Administration level and not neceasary the theaching level. So Graduates how do you stack up in the skill level ?

Most employers want a generic education of Associates Degree and higher or some formal training and experience.


• Ability to evaluate student transcripts and/or records.
• Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
• Skill in examining and re-engineering operations and procedures, formulating policy, and developing and implementing new strategies and procedures.
• Knowledge of the broad spectrum of available college academic units, curricula, and programs.
• Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of individuals in a diverse community.

• Organizing and coordinating skills.
• Knowledge of college admissions policies, standards, and procedures.
• Skill in the use of computerized systems and databases.
• Knowledge of student recruitment and retention issues.
• Ability to gather data, compile information, and prepare reports.
• Ability to design and write promotional material.

• Ability to develop and deliver presentations.
• Ability to develop, plan, and implement short- and long-range goals.


Customer service representatives are so important to a business and you can even say they are the mouthpiece and heart of a company. Working in customer service is not always easy and sometimes a representative just needs a break from from all that cheer,so dont for get your coffee today. Here are some cute customer service friendly outfits to try out for the week.

Customer Service

Want to further your education

Work Attire For The First Day Of December

December is a great example on how to express cold weather style.You don’t have to be in traditional colors to be fashionable.

Wearing bold colors this winter to work or for other daily challenges should not be a problem. Having the right style that fits your lifestyle and supports your confidence should be a priority in your wardrobe.

Add in a little print design to your winter dress, make sure your purse and boots match.

Don’t be afraid of yellow,mustard yellow and bronze yellow are cute bold statement colors.

Add a long sexy red trench if you want to project power and warmth to your wardrobe.

7 Days Of September Style

7 Days Of September Style Ideas

By Rebecca Davis


Monday’s can be a drag especially when you are busy all during the work day ,and you are rebounding from the weekend. When you are feeling like a drag go simple,chic and comfortable for whatever arrives during the day. Black and white attire can always be fun,classy and simple.


Most Tuesdays we know what’s going on in the work week,meetings,trials ,and staying late with clients. Just because you are busy it doesn’t mean that you have to look like a drag. Be a Queen not a drag. Adding some simple bold color to your work week can be fun.


Oh Dear it’s hump day! Hump day can be somewhat stressful it’s the drag until you make it to the end of the week and the recovery from the beginning of the week. Keep hump day comfortable and stylish.


Thursday is the last of the busy work day and the preparation before Friday. Your Style should be business casual .


Friday has finally arrived. Somepeople have half days or a Friday off. Let your style be fun and ready for whatever arrives at your lap.

Have a great work week Shopping click!

What is Boss Style?


Written by Rebecca Davis Blogger 8/9/18

BOSS STYLE can be defined as a powerful ,bold ,creative look.Its a look that comes from intelligence and confidence. BOSS STYLE is beautiful and it’s more than just clothing it’s a lifestyle.

As a boss you have responsibility to set the tone in your work environment, your clothes can be an example of the standards you want to have set in your office or company.

BOSS STYLE is strength , a BOSS should be at her best health that she possibly can be. Being the boss of good health is a strengthening bond that should be shared through out your work environment. All Bosses should have good mental and physical health.

BOSS STYLE can be beautiful ,feminine and sexy at the same time.

This style is for the hard working woman who has strived to accomplish her dreams and goals. Any woman can have BOSS STYLE. It is not limited to your income, race,religion or social status. BOSS STYLE represents every woman who has embraced her inner strength and beauty and all charisma that makes her unique. BOSS STYLE is not limited or exclusive to any female,it’s a lifestyle all women should embrace.

Women all over the world struggle everyday ,just because we are women. And everyday there is a BOSS that is brave and fearless that fights for our justice so that women can have equality and to make positive changes in the world so that more BOSSES can emerge.

Embrace the BOSS STYLE it is more than fashion it’s a lifestyle.


A Boss should Always have a great bag.