Summer Meet Ups With Friends


Summer meet ups are so much fun. Pick relaxed areas with a chill vibe so that everyone can enjoy themselves. Summer meet ups are usually casual, don’t be to relaxed in your outfits because you want to look cute in those pictures and, you never know when you might meet mister right. So dress comfy,cute , and casual.

Meet ups are a great place to eat new and tasty meals, whether it’s at home or in a restaurant. Keep the music in all favor of the crowd, and chill to the wonderful beats. And don’t forget to swap out your perfume collection for those wow great smelling scents.

Summer Lasagna Recipes To Try Out

Girl Power Monday

Congratulations to all the graduates. Don’t give up when things get tough in life, pray threw it and learn from it. The challenges,the heartache, the tears and pain are a badge of honor to your soul 💪💞. Pray Psalm’s 91 over you. Life can and will get challenging,but God is here for you,let God fight your battles.

Have a great Monday 💞Think positive thoughts for this week and it will happen.

April 16 Selena Birthday

Happy birthday Selena may you rest in peace.

Selena Quintanilla-Pérez, known mononymously as Selena, was an American singer. Referred to as the “Queen of Tejano Music”, her contributions to music and fashion made her one of the most celebrated Mexican-American entertainers of the late 20th century.

Hey click , want to know a cool fact , I lived just around the corner from Selena’s parents home in Corpus Christi.

Florals and Silver Heels 👠

Happy April 2nd , I smell and feel spring in the air ,and I see shoes on the street. Especially silver florals this year. Silver and light grey’s are a beautiful pairing for complimentary colors for florals. If you don’t want black try silver or light grey for a neutral base in your wardrobe. I use these colors when I don’t want to wear white.

Tips For A Career In Mediation

Career looks

Set your career goals up to your standards and don’t forget your life and career goals belong to you and they are for you! This means no one is responsible for your success but you.

Do you need a life coach or stylist DM me on my social media sites or email me or leave a comment for me here. Fell free to share and like any of my content.

Work Style For A Event Company Owner

There is nothing wrong with starting out as an associate and then working your way up to a manager,but my click should encourage themselves to be the owner of the company. I pray for grander achievements for my readers.

Your goals are only as big as you allow them to be.

What do you have in store for your self in 2024?

Don’t be afraid to chase after your dreams,all or some can and will come true.

I want you all to believe in yourself, I do love fashion, and there is more to what you wear. Your mind and soul is the reflection of your life style.

Do you need a life coach, connect with Rebecca Davis for an appointment.

Tonight is for fun

Tonight Is For Fun

Fun Night Outs is what everyone needs and wants,plan ahead with friends to enjoy a fun festival of dancing and great vibes

Let loose , budget your fun activities,and live like it could be your last night on earth .

Love the life God has blessed you with and love your family and friends and pets too

Think positive,live positive and positivity will always be with you.

Bar Date Advice

Bar Date Advice

Meeting at the bar,can be casual . You can have the best time with someone in jeans and a top. Cute tops can be in any style,just don’t be that girl that has no style of her own and flaunts her body parts to get attention. Your beautiful personality should be what attracts people to you. Your clothes only complement your taste and attitude that is within you. If that person is a jerk and makes you feel uncomfortable walk away.

Remember to use bar safety tips when meeting someone one you met online. Like watch your drink, be careful with revealing to much information about yourself,and watch your purse. Thief’s go on dates too. And have a buddy check in place.

Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year Everyone,This year is going to be great.

Let’s start 2023 off with a great vibe and mood,money may be tight but it is not everything. Money can open doors to opportunity,but don’t let it over shadow the golden free things in life which is more valuable. These things are good health, family, friends, being able to help others in need. Count your blessings big and small.

God bless you all Happy New Year 2023 is finally here

Winter Work Styles For The Office Professional

There is a jacket out there that is right for you

Pick what you love and what you can afford, budget and shop for the best quality and price. Check out the Goodwill and consignment stores. Don’t be afraid of garage/yard sales. I got a high fashion coat that is worth$500 at a garage sale.

Fashion is what you make of it.

Enjoy The Cold Weather Fashion


This company took $50 from me and robbed me and then blocked me once I called them out on social media about there poor customer service,and ploys to take peoples money.

They advertise on Instagram,Facebook and Twitter,Pinterest. Don’t buy anything from them!

They start out with it takes up to 7days or some crap like that to process your order then we will began shipping This was sept 30th 2019 ,then you get an order confirmation ,And the system looks like your stuff is in the mail shipping when it is NOT!

It will come back as its delayed 5 days then 10 days then up to a month. They have no phone number ,you have to email them, then they say its shipping and crap like that.Then when you put the order in it says can’t be found. Email them and no reply. I called them out online and they blocked me. Beware of this company there has been 100s to 1000s of complaints on them.

Then they send you automated emails and if you read the policy if you don’t cancel and ask for your money back in 30 days they Don’t send your items which you purchased and your money back promise they make is gone. They will say do to high volume orders or will get back to you. Its a fake company. Complain to the BBB and FBI on them.

They are on social media and they advertise so be aware of them.


I am Rebecca Davis and I 1000% Support This Information.

Play Your Diva Card

I love art and fashion and I hope you enjoyed this style. Reach out o me by phone,email or social media if you want to book an appointment with me for the New Year.

I will shop with you for up to 4hrs a day or we can set an hourly appointment. If you need me for special events or for group styling sessions please indicate that in the contact form.

Cold shoulder Style For work

Cold shoulder Style For Work

Written by Rebecca Davis Blogger

Cold shoulder styles are fun ,they are bold tops with a slight sex appeal. A lot of women wear them in a casual fashion tone. Cold shoulder styles are about having facing fun and being different. The great thing about wearing these tops is you can dress them up and down. They are great for casual Fridays and working women’s Wednesday after 5pm drinks.

If you are in a more formal environment just make sure your top is more formal and bring a business cardigan or jacket with you if you need it.

What is Boss Style?


Written by Rebecca Davis Blogger 8/9/18

BOSS STYLE can be defined as a powerful ,bold ,creative look.Its a look that comes from intelligence and confidence. BOSS STYLE is beautiful and it’s more than just clothing it’s a lifestyle.

As a boss you have responsibility to set the tone in your work environment, your clothes can be an example of the standards you want to have set in your office or company.

BOSS STYLE is strength , a BOSS should be at her best health that she possibly can be. Being the boss of good health is a strengthening bond that should be shared through out your work environment. All Bosses should have good mental and physical health.

BOSS STYLE can be beautiful ,feminine and sexy at the same time.

This style is for the hard working woman who has strived to accomplish her dreams and goals. Any woman can have BOSS STYLE. It is not limited to your income, race,religion or social status. BOSS STYLE represents every woman who has embraced her inner strength and beauty and all charisma that makes her unique. BOSS STYLE is not limited or exclusive to any female,it’s a lifestyle all women should embrace.

Women all over the world struggle everyday ,just because we are women. And everyday there is a BOSS that is brave and fearless that fights for our justice so that women can have equality and to make positive changes in the world so that more BOSSES can emerge.

Embrace the BOSS STYLE it is more than fashion it’s a lifestyle.


A Boss should Always have a great bag.