Meeting His Parents -Dot  Style Dresses  For Summer

When meeting his parents dress neat and smell nice.
Everyone is different from culture, religion, backgrounds,so
get some background information from your boyfriend on what his parents are like.
Dress in a modest but flattering outfit.
Meet in a neutral place if you can.
Be on time.
Bring a small gift.
Ask his parents questions.
Ask his parents for stories about your boyfriend’s childhood.
Julia Roberts’s character in the film Pretty Woman wore a polka dot dress to appear of higher social status.
Fetell Lee goes on to explain that our love of dots is linked to the amygdala in our brains, proving a scientific reason why we’re drawn towards the shape. She adds that polka dots do double duty, mixing play with abundance, two things that are proven to bring joy.

Keep the conversation peaceful, no religion, politics or personal beliefs should be in the conversation. So  prepare yourself to talk about your job, your hobbies, and anything you like to do for fun. Keep it simple and entertaining. They might also ask you about your family or where you grew up, too. Be honest, but try to keep things mostly basic,leaving out the trauma and drama. As you chat with his parents, try to avoid swearing or over-sharing. And no gossip,you never know who knows who.

Table Manners

Here are some table manners for young ladies to abide by when meeting your boyfriends parents.

Before sitting down: Wash your hands and put your phone on silent or vibrate.

At the table: Wait for everyone to be seated, place your napkin on your lap, and follow your host’s lead.

Eating: Use utensils from the outside in, chew with your mouth closed, and eat slowly.

Passing food: Pass food dishes to the right, unless the person asking is to your immediate left.

Sipping: Sip from the same place on your glass for the rest of the meal.

Taking a break: Put your utensils on your plate when you’re done or taking a break.

When you’re done: Place your napkin on the table, not on your dirty plate, and put your utensils diagonally across the plate with the handles pointing down and to the right.

Other: Keep your elbows off the table, avoid slouching, and don’t reach across the table for things.

Summer Meet Ups With Friends


Summer meet ups are so much fun. Pick relaxed areas with a chill vibe so that everyone can enjoy themselves. Summer meet ups are usually casual, don’t be to relaxed in your outfits because you want to look cute in those pictures and, you never know when you might meet mister right. So dress comfy,cute , and casual.

Meet ups are a great place to eat new and tasty meals, whether it’s at home or in a restaurant. Keep the music in all favor of the crowd, and chill to the wonderful beats. And don’t forget to swap out your perfume collection for those wow great smelling scents.

Summer Lasagna Recipes To Try Out

Girl Power Monday

Congratulations to all the graduates. Don’t give up when things get tough in life, pray threw it and learn from it. The challenges,the heartache, the tears and pain are a badge of honor to your soul 💪💞. Pray Psalm’s 91 over you. Life can and will get challenging,but God is here for you,let God fight your battles.

Have a great Monday 💞Think positive thoughts for this week and it will happen.

Tips For A Career In Mediation

Career looks

Set your career goals up to your standards and don’t forget your life and career goals belong to you and they are for you! This means no one is responsible for your success but you.

Do you need a life coach or stylist DM me on my social media sites or email me or leave a comment for me here. Fell free to share and like any of my content.

Work Style For A Event Company Owner

There is nothing wrong with starting out as an associate and then working your way up to a manager,but my click should encourage themselves to be the owner of the company. I pray for grander achievements for my readers.

Your goals are only as big as you allow them to be.

What do you have in store for your self in 2024?

Don’t be afraid to chase after your dreams,all or some can and will come true.

I want you all to believe in yourself, I do love fashion, and there is more to what you wear. Your mind and soul is the reflection of your life style.

Do you need a life coach, connect with Rebecca Davis for an appointment.

Classy Blouse

Add some class to your work looks or place some sophistication in your event attire. Style your look up or down with asseories. A classy Blouse can change a basic skirt into an interesting one.

Have a great day today and remember to be kind ,but don’t let kindness be your weakness. Kindness is an inner soul strength. Be strong

Do you need a life coach or stylist? Contact me for an appointment. I have openings

Happy New Year 2024

Happy New Year to everyone it’s finally 2024 and let’s hit these city streets with a purpose. Life is short live for today and prepare for whatever tomorrow might bring you. Keep God first in your life and everything else will fall into place. Reflection of your soul is the key to success and survival. Reflect back on the positive and negative of 2023 only for 7 days take each 7 days to ask yourself what did I do right or great in 2023 and carry that with you in 2024 but only as a tool to do it even better for 2024. Make a goal list and try to knock it out . Look at the down falls or negative issues in 2023 and analyze it by not repeating those mistakes in 2024 . Good and bad happens in our life to teach us a lesson. Study it and move on .

Love Rebecca Davis

This is your moment in life

Bar Date Advice

Bar Date Advice

Meeting at the bar,can be casual . You can have the best time with someone in jeans and a top. Cute tops can be in any style,just don’t be that girl that has no style of her own and flaunts her body parts to get attention. Your beautiful personality should be what attracts people to you. Your clothes only complement your taste and attitude that is within you. If that person is a jerk and makes you feel uncomfortable walk away.

Remember to use bar safety tips when meeting someone one you met online. Like watch your drink, be careful with revealing to much information about yourself,and watch your purse. Thief’s go on dates too. And have a buddy check in place.

Working With A Motivation Coach

Working norms are  changing, and remote and hybrid jobs are becoming a new normal. Now when people say “the office” ,it  is often a home based  office, or a hybrid workplace, or wherever you want to set up shop that has great internet.

Simple work from home style

 As a work from home blogger myself it can be difficult to find reliable and truthful work from home jobs that actually have real work that pays well. And I know that many companies struggle to find reliable,and honest employees that they can trust to work from home. Some psychological factors can play into the successful wins for both the employee and the employer. Many of you don’t know that I am a life coach,and I have certain specializations under my belt. Some of  the #1 job sites have reported to me in order  to find the best remote, work from home, and flexible jobs  is to have the best skills and experiences listed on your resume. A Great resume will be the door opener to a great work from home job. Research work from home jobs,and try going to work from home job sites and apps. This will be the key on  how to help you have a faster, easier, and safer job search. Just as I have helped millions of people online let me  help you in 2023 land a great job and style your environment for a great vibe.

Hire me or an associate to work with you or your company.

A simple work from home office
Creative office manager

Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year Everyone,This year is going to be great.

Let’s start 2023 off with a great vibe and mood,money may be tight but it is not everything. Money can open doors to opportunity,but don’t let it over shadow the golden free things in life which is more valuable. These things are good health, family, friends, being able to help others in need. Count your blessings big and small.

God bless you all Happy New Year 2023 is finally here

Winter Work Styles For The Office Professional

There is a jacket out there that is right for you

Pick what you love and what you can afford, budget and shop for the best quality and price. Check out the Goodwill and consignment stores. Don’t be afraid of garage/yard sales. I got a high fashion coat that is worth$500 at a garage sale.

Fashion is what you make of it.

Enjoy The Cold Weather Fashion

Bloggers UpGrading Skills

Strong computer skills and technical knowledge of productivity tools; including Blue Cherry and or other PLM software, Excel and Adobe Ill are on the rise in Freelance Blogging Work.

Why are the skills in software knowledge increasing in the blog industry? Well its the rise of social applications on smart devices and the social media boom in milinals.

Technical use for bloggers have increased by 3% in the last 2 years and will be steadily increasing to 10% by next year . In the next several years the way we blog will be totally different ,just like with texting and so forth. In these last few years I interact with clients and readers differently ,I do post differently and I can provide certain content to readers based on the data I collect. So fellow bloggers I hope you take advantage of the new software available to you.

Written by Rebecca Davis