Lace It Up!

This is February the month for lust and lace. Add something extra to your creative closet this month,lets add lace and lust or even lace and leather.

Lace is a fabric that looks good on anyone ,no mater if you have a very curvy body or a mild shape body.

Lace can be worn in bags ,shoes,clothes ,outer clothes or underneath.

Take your imagination to new levels with lace. Its fun,sexy,cheap and mysterious on all levels.

Don’t be afraid to show him what your made of,you know sugar and spice and everything nice.

Going out ,well try a sexy backless dress with lace details,it will turn heads.

Lace It All Up!

Festive February

Some people have snow ,sickness and stress all around them,but today in this month of February we are going to do our best to be festive.

Get in your closet and head and plan for a festive safe activity in your home or community. Get in your back yard if you need to .

How to plan for a festive day-by Rebecca

#1 Invite your friends and family over if it is safe,or gather them online. Invite your pets ,lets be creative.

#2 Prepare or order safe festive food.

3. Get some music going,move that body. Even online.

You can dance with your pets,or friends,or even by yourself. Just be safe.

2020 Pop songs

Make sure you move furniture out of the way.

2020 Best Club Mix

Enjoy yourself let your freak flag fly. Try saying Freak Flag Fly really fast 4times. LMAO!

Latin Festive Music

It is your living room,bedroom,backyard…let loose and go for it.

Now just take it all in ,eat drink and be merry on this festive day. Love you all.

January Monday Street Coat Mood

The Gossip Girl Style Will Always Be Timeless. Blair has the best looks for winter.

Today’s Cold Weather Coat Mood

January weather affects us all differently depending on where you live. Most of us need a heavy coat ,but those who live in warm Clements need a lighter coat.

In Texas we need all types of coats ,we never know what will blow in on us.

Its a little chilly and windy out,so grab those coats when you hit the streets today.

I styled this back in 2018 for fall can you believe it,but a good trench never goes out of style.

Love Rebecca

Happy January and please have a safe and happy Monday.

The Yellow Golden Color Of Fun

Yellow Golden Colors Of Fun

From your eyes,lips and wardrobe these colors are bright,sophisticated and fun. Add them to your creative wardrobe. You can dress these up and calm them down in your style. You don’t have to add a lot to them to make them stand out the color itself does it on its own.

These colors are fun year round. They work the best during spring, fall and summer,but they can be fun during the winter too.

A lot of brides often look over these colors for there wedding party,I say be bold and pick those colors. They are stand out and bold beautiful romantic colors to utilize when styled correctly.

Written by Rebecca

Published 12/21/20

January Evening Mood

It is 2021 so lets set the mood off to a great start.

Going out tonight ,try black and gold bold pieces.

Don’t let the negative hang up of life bring you or your fashion down. Be yourself, enjoy yourself ,love yourself. When you accomplish these 3 things then you can spread true love to others. Don’t dwell with your haters ,spin on top of them.

We have made it this far, we over came the year 2020 and now its 2021. A new fresh starting point.

I wish you all the best,I wish for you love ,happiness and great health.

Don’t forget your jacket tonight.

It is still chilly and we want our mood to be calm and warm with some sparkle and dazzle.

Make your own runway when you enter the room.

Happy New Year ,Lets Get 2021 Off and Poppin The Right Way !

Love Rebecca Davis-Owner

Evening Verde

Evening green wear can be memorable and a one of a kind.

Many explores have searched the ends of the earth for rare green stones.

Green colors do not have to be worn during the Christmas season,they can be a brand mark color all year round.

Gold hues seem to bring green colors out the best all seasons.

I love green when it is paired and styled correctly. It can be so romantic,fierce and elegant with a dash of sexyness at the same time.

By Rebecca

A Thursday Vibe

Its Thursday, And Today Is A Thursday Mood

November facts: Chrysanthemum, which stands for cheerfulness and love, is associated with the month of November.

According to Feng Shui,Chrysanthemums bring happiness and laughter in the house.

Lets pack on a smile and make today a casual day with comfort and style.

Thursday is all about jeans, the comfort ,the fit and the style. Jeans can be dressed up or down depending upon your style.

Thursday kinda is a moody day of the week,happy its almost Friday ,but sad its not Friday. Thursday is a day to go hard. Finish up all and work work so you can play tomorrow.

Check out today’s music


November Sounds

Classy Life

Is your life classy or classless?

Class is not something you gain by money,materials,or income. It is a reputation earned on your standards. Your standards can determine what class level you want for yourself.

C in class stands for culture, culture is richness within itself.

L in class stands for likeability ,are you a likeable person? And what do you like about someone or a certain group, And what draws you to a certain group of people will define your class.

A in class stands for accessibility. What do you have access to, can you meet with the President or can you meet with the mayor? It’s your determination that will bring you there.

S stands for standards, what standards do you hold? Standards only go as high as what you will tolerate. Morality is a question for us all to answer.

S stands for solidarity. Are you a solid person in your beliefs or do you flake on your standards and follow the crowd. Leaders with class keep there solidarity no matter what is thrown there way.

Well, do you have class or are you classless?

Written by Rebecca Davis a certified life coach.

Happy 19th Of June

Happy 19th Of June

The 19th of June is a holiday that many people celebrate because it is the last day of slavery for blacks in America. Mostly recognized in the southern states.

Happy 19th Of June

Freedom is a right for all,its apart of our natural humanity on this earth. We must remind and educate many of this right. If we don’t we get the crap we see today.

Diversity is a beautiful thing and we all should be apart of it.

What Is Dark Wine and Dark Brown and Red Today?-

What Is Dark Wine and Dark Brown and Red Today?- The answer is your style.

Have you ever thought about these color choices being incorporated into your wardrobe? A lot of ladies are afraid of these color patterns because they think they are too dark.But these colors offer elegance and power with a mature tone in style. Give it a try sometime.

Makeup Tips For Dark Tones On Your Skin.

You can use dark tones on certain parts of your face depending upon your skin type,most women will try it on there lips or eyes,which is fine but don’t be afraid to apply it in your blush when contouring.

How To Make It Work In A Casual Style.

Just add a stylish jacket,your favorite skinny jeans and a cute boot.

Try it for a day out with friends style.

It looks great for a work style.

Clean Up On Your Christmas Beauty

Hey Click Happy Holidays

I just wanted to give you some beauty advice for organizing your haul. I do it, we all do it ,when those sales and clearances come we stock up and there is nothing wrong with that.

However we can become cluttered or we forget to check the date to get rid of expired beauty products. Yes this is a form of organization ,but it is also a health risk.

Many expired products can hold bacteria and staph. So if its at least 15 days past the due date hurry and use it up or throw it away in a recycle can please.

Saftey and proper health is always fashionable.

Use The Cleanup Time To Give Back

If you have products that you won’t use please donate them to your local shelter or regift them to your friends and loved ones and co workers. It saves you time and money and you get to give back to some one in need.

Have A Safe And Happy,Blessed Holiday Season To You All.


Casual Weekend Style For Work And Leisure

Its the weekend and you have those short work days .You want to be professional but casual. Grab some jeans and dress them up or get that casual dress to wear.

Casual work style can be professional and sexy. Casual for work and Weekend Play. Its the best of both worlds.

Remember its the weekend don’t work too hard ,have a little fun in between work if you can ,it good for the mental health.

Hello Fall Thursday

Are You Loving This Fall Thursday ? I Hope So.

It is the day before the weekend and the day before Friday so make it count, and be joyous of your blessings. It can’t be a gloomy day unless you allow it to be a gloomy day. Make the most out of life by being the best person you can be. Don’t take any negative energy or people with you today,forgive them and release the darkness and stress from you.

Say it with me 3 times , And Say It Like You Mean It!

1.Today Is A Fabulous Fall Thursday

2.Today Is A Fabulous Fall Thursday

3. Today Is A Fabulous Fall Thursday

Now go into your closet and pull out and outfit that inspires you and put it on and don’t forget to accessorize and apply your beauty.

Here are some outfit inspirations to get you on your positive journey this Fall Thursday.

Fashion Inspired Taste From The Motherland

In the seasons to come you will see an influx of fashion that will have jewelry,patterns and prints,and colors that will be influenced by African culture. The style is beautiful ,but can you pull it off . Here is some advice on how to wear it.

1. Don’t overload your ensemble with all the prints just gradually put pieces of it in your wardrobe.

Like for instance with shoes or just a top . You don’t have to have it on you from head to toe. Mix the ideas in your outfit. Like just do a heavy printed jacket,pant or too and neutral it out.

Advice #2 Take Precaution In Color Choice.

Everybody’s skin tone is made for a certain print and color. So when picking out your style put the fabric up to your skin and see how it plays out.

Prints can Work For or Against You.

When choosing to express your style remember your body shape. Certain prints and colors can swallow up your figure, and some can add on to your figure. So play wisely in your outfit.

Have fun with your makeup and hair. The colors and prints can bring out your natural beauty.

The fun thing about this trend is you can express your style and really make it coutoure and high fashion.

If you don’t want to be all high fashion ,then opt for a more simple look .

Monday Black and White

Monday Black And White Work Styles

Its another Monday and another day at the office. So today lets style ourselfs simple and chic in just black and white.

Grab what ever black and white pieces you like and just let your creative style flow.

Today is Monday and let’s put our mind to the test to try to make today a good day.

Repeat this 3 times

Say to yourself I am beautiful, I am strong ,I am the me GOD wants me to be.

I hope you all are happy and blessed on this Monday

Casual Summer Work Looks To Draw Inspiration From

These looks do it well for summer casual wear in the office. An all purpose outfit is handy for days of work and play. Comfort is always a choice. Adding print can jazz up a look ,these stylist got it just right for these ladies.

See a style you like or want to try out email me or contact me on social media or leave a comment on the blog and I would love to style for you.

Favorite Jeans Day

Written By Rebecca Davis,and some style board images created By Rebecca Davis.

Ok it is Thursday and it’s ” FAVORITE JEANS DAY”!

Lets go in the closet and grab that favorite pair of jeans that we love so much,you know the ones that are like a 2nd pair of skin to the the body. Just put them on and ware them everywhere today. I will show you some different ways to style those favorite jeans.

Casual Style

Casual jeans are great for hanging out with friends and running errands.There so cute and comfortable you can style them a bit dressy or you can style them down.

Exotic Flare

These are the jeans you want to be noticed in. Exotic flare are those art jeans and blinged out jeans you ware to the club. We all have a favorite pair.

Rip Jean Style

These jeans will probably never go out of style.

Work and Dressy Style

Styling your jeans with the right blouse and coat can be easily excused in the work place. Just make sure your jeans are clean and pressed and tailored correctly.