Prom in Cream

Prom is the season for that last formal dance with all of your friends. Have the time of your life and be safe and kind to everyone around you

Don’t go broke looking for an expensive dress. Make your own gown,rent one or borrow a dress.

Enjoy your life ,be young and party hard

Take lots of pictures for those great memories and just go Ape on the dance floor for me

Make Your Prom Dreams Come True

Prom is such a fun and special occasion and its a night when all if your dreams come true.

Tips To Having A Special Prom Night By Rebecca Davis.

The first thing you should do is save up and make a budget . Prom can sometimes be costly.

Second, arrange for your stylist,hair dresser and nail appointments a head of time and get a back up plan incase they are running late.

Third ,Diet and exercise,its best to do it so you can fit into that perfect dress and so that you can be in good physical health to have fun.

Fourth plan a Pre Prom Party or After Party with friends,its the last prom for some of you and the last time you will see each other so have fun.

Fifth if you and a date plan on eating out ,get reservations trust me its worth it.

Sixth don’t waite to the last minute to get prom clothes and shoes and etc… Pre plan it so there will be no rush.

Last take tons of photos and enjoy your self ,its PROM!

Prom Dress Choices ,”What’s Your Style”?

Picking out the right Prom Dress is a really hard decision. Do you remember seeing all those prom throw back images on youtube? You don’t want your kids or the people of the future commenting on what was she thinking,what was she wearing? You want “WOW what a vintage look. The dresses I am showing you are from 2014,but there style won’t die out ,it is classic .

It is the girl who makes the dress and the style work. Keep in mind the dress color and the dress style type like is it a sweet heart type ,short or long in length. Also the fabric is important too. So when dress shopping it is not the design label that makes the dress important,be price conscious and body shape and color conscious in your decision making.

Please DONT DO any DRUGS or Drinking Of Alcohol at your PROM or at the after parties!

Be safe and take lots of pictures,be nice to everyone,,it is everyone’s night.

Lets Make 2019 Your Year!

Can’t Decide Which Dress To Choose For Prom?

Here are a few tips for choosing the right dress, 1 set a budget and stick to it,2 pull some dresses you like from a book or magazine and take it with you while shopping. 3 Plan a day for shopping that way you can take your time. 4.Get a stylist or take an honest friend with you who will help you pick out the dress of your dreams .

Best of luck shopping.

Prom Is Approaching ,3 Ways To Get Ready.

Are you thinking about Prom? I know its about 3months away but its okay to start prepping for it.

3 Ways To Get Prom Ready .

#1 Decide who you want to go with, are you going with friends ,a special date or solo.

#2 Pick some dress ideas and start saving up. Get an extra job ,penny pinch for that perfect dress.

#3 Diet ,Yes I said the D word . Don’t miss your perfect dress because its too small. Start exercising and eating healthy.