Summer Meet Ups With Friends


Summer meet ups are so much fun. Pick relaxed areas with a chill vibe so that everyone can enjoy themselves. Summer meet ups are usually casual, don’t be to relaxed in your outfits because you want to look cute in those pictures and, you never know when you might meet mister right. So dress comfy,cute , and casual.

Meet ups are a great place to eat new and tasty meals, whether it’s at home or in a restaurant. Keep the music in all favor of the crowd, and chill to the wonderful beats. And don’t forget to swap out your perfume collection for those wow great smelling scents.

Summer Lasagna Recipes To Try Out

Date Night With Aegon Targaryen,What Would You Wear To The Wine Room Quarters Date 🌹

The Wine Room Quarters Date 🌹

Hello Everyone and I am at it again with my characters style boards. I want your feedback,tell me which outfit would you choose for a date with Prince Aegon Targaryen from House of The Dragons,leave me a comment on which outfit you would wear here on my blog, Instagram or Tumblr.

You are in your living room and there is knock on the front door, it’s Sir Christian Cole, and he hands you an envelope,you open it and it’s an invitation from Prince Aegon Targaryen 💚🌹🥰. He has requested your presence to meet with him at 9pm this Saturday in the Wine Room in a hidden quarters of  the castle that over looks the city, and you can see the stars at night. It has a little note to dress in Cocktail Formal attire.  Which style are you choosing with your date with Aegon Targaryen.

The night is filled with excitement, beautiful venue, great music,drinks and food. What style statement are you choosing for tonight 🤔?

Style Board #1. Classic Beauty.

Simple  sexy black style with a dab of glam, and minimal Hollywood makeup,it symbolizes old money.

Style Board#2 Shiny Diva

The shiny diva look gives the chandelier competition,it has the statement maker for look at me,see me and never forget me, with bling to match and shimmer makeup.

Style Board #3 Colorfully Sexy

This is the style for all who love colors that pop up at you when you enter the room. It’s bright,chic and sexy with makeup to match.

Style Board #4  Daring and Bold

Daring and Bold styles are exactly what the category is,Bold, modern,sexy and daring. It’s a look for the current trendsetters.

Date Night With Aemond Targaryen, Romantic Dinner In The Terrace Courtyard

You already know what time it is by the title in the heading, it’s fashion fantasy date night with Aemond Targaryen 💚🌹.

Tonight you received an invitation letter from a squire,and it has a romantic message from Prince Aemond Targaryen,it reads:

The terrace courtyard has a beautiful and simple landscape scenery,but at night by candle light,and beautiful lighting it’s so romantic. And just imagine the beautiful romantic songs Aemond likes to sing to you.(No one knows he sings but you). He said to dress casual so what are you wearing to catch his eye 👁️.

Pick a style you like and tell me about it here on my blogs,or Instagram or Tumblr.

Casual Dress Style Boards

Style Board #1

Style Board#2

Style Board #3

Style Board #4

April Fashion Evening Gold’s

Happy April Fashion Topics

Some Roman authors thought that Aprilis was related to the Latin verb aperire meaning “to open,” because April “opened” the buds of leaves and flowers.

April Is Named for Aphrodite

April is named after the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. In the Roman calendar, the fourth month April is spelled Aprilis, meaning “to open.” Festivals which were planned for April included Parrilla, a day celebrating the founding of Rome, so wouldn’t it make sense to be festive in the month of April.

I wish everyone much love and blessings this month.

Motivation Monday

It’s Motivation Monday

Mondays set the tone for the week, some of you believe in prayer,and some of you don’t but a humble loving prayer to God is great start of your day.

We all come from different backgrounds and beliefs,but prayer is an important tool for life.

I pray that your week will begin with blessings,and today will be start..

January Coats

It’s a New Year ,but the winter cold doesn’t know that ,it’s bringing the same old blizzard chills back. So frolic in the snow like a badass snow queen with style.

Life is short even in the cold ,so make wise decisions ,help others and don’t forget to work on your soul. Your soul is more fashionable than your coat ,and it stays in season longer .

Walk to the nearest coffee shop and grab something warm and yummy and chill out and don’t be stressed out about people and crap that doesn’t matter. Have fun and live your dreams .

Much love to my snow queens keeping it real and warm.

Happy New Year 2024

Happy New Year to everyone it’s finally 2024 and let’s hit these city streets with a purpose. Life is short live for today and prepare for whatever tomorrow might bring you. Keep God first in your life and everything else will fall into place. Reflection of your soul is the key to success and survival. Reflect back on the positive and negative of 2023 only for 7 days take each 7 days to ask yourself what did I do right or great in 2023 and carry that with you in 2024 but only as a tool to do it even better for 2024. Make a goal list and try to knock it out . Look at the down falls or negative issues in 2023 and analyze it by not repeating those mistakes in 2024 . Good and bad happens in our life to teach us a lesson. Study it and move on .

Love Rebecca Davis

This is your moment in life

Tonight is for fun

Tonight Is For Fun

Fun Night Outs is what everyone needs and wants,plan ahead with friends to enjoy a fun festival of dancing and great vibes

Let loose , budget your fun activities,and live like it could be your last night on earth .

Love the life God has blessed you with and love your family and friends and pets too

Think positive,live positive and positivity will always be with you.

Showing Love To Autumn Dress Style

Autumn Fashion Needs Some Love Today

Autumn Fashion has a unique style of it’s own depending upon where you live. Let’s show some love to Autumn dresses and to all of the people around you .

This year animal shelters and people are struggling to get bye. Please be a blessing in your community to those in need.

Wedding Style Board For The Spring Brides

Peach and silver outdoor wedding Style

Spring Weddings are my favorite When it comes to color choices,and my advice today for spring wedding planner s and brides is don’t be afraid of color patterns that are unique and bold,like Peach and silver 👀.

Yes try a peach 🍑 and silver pattern,even the deco will surprise you. Try it out with a style board first and take it from there.

Try adding unique foods for your menu,the guest will love it.

Bar Date Advice

Bar Date Advice

Meeting at the bar,can be casual . You can have the best time with someone in jeans and a top. Cute tops can be in any style,just don’t be that girl that has no style of her own and flaunts her body parts to get attention. Your beautiful personality should be what attracts people to you. Your clothes only complement your taste and attitude that is within you. If that person is a jerk and makes you feel uncomfortable walk away.

Remember to use bar safety tips when meeting someone one you met online. Like watch your drink, be careful with revealing to much information about yourself,and watch your purse. Thief’s go on dates too. And have a buddy check in place.

Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year Everyone,This year is going to be great.

Let’s start 2023 off with a great vibe and mood,money may be tight but it is not everything. Money can open doors to opportunity,but don’t let it over shadow the golden free things in life which is more valuable. These things are good health, family, friends, being able to help others in need. Count your blessings big and small.

God bless you all Happy New Year 2023 is finally here

Bridal Knock Outs

Detail Beauty
Marriage is a blessing to the world,two souls who fall in love should be celebrated.
Don’t forget your ring bling on your big day
Do you want real flowers or fake ones???🤔
Table settings can be so complicated,but they can be the decor of the room. Did you know that the color and table setting can impact the mood of your room. Try using the services of professional table setters.
Cakes have become a big deal for many,me I just want to eat it and make sure it taste good,so I could care less what it looks like. But art and cake work is a big deal to some. So shop around for the best deals.
It’s his big day too,so help your husband,dad, brother or etc.. get wedding ready. Grooms grab your posse and start shopping at least 5months early and not 5 minutes away from your wedding day.
Men let your style reflect your personality.
Champagne 🍾 gold is such a beautiful idea for an engagement ring.
Details on your dress can be so amazing in the light and your photos
Design style can be beautiful ❤️

Outdoor Autumn Wedding

Styled by Rebecca

Autumn Wedding Style Boards are always a warm and romantic vision. Gathering style and decor around nature is always fun for me and clients.

Let the natural tones guide your decor, autumn seasons are not always bland. Use nuts,greens,and the sky for guidance.

Autumn Style can bring unique menu ideas too. Look for goods and food that is available for that season,take advantage of availability.

Sexy Black And Red Style

February Is The Hot Girl Life

February Night Outs

Black and Red styled together always can turn heads,try a style like these for the club life.

Girls Night Out should be fun and on point. Did you know that party buses in some areas are half off,check them out,they can be tons of fun.

Since some clubs are open back up and the club life is edging back up,make your night a Hot Girl Night and enjoy the Hot Girl Life.

Don’t Drink And Drive, And Keep In Mind We Have Covid and Creeps Out Clubbing Too.So Be Safe!