Summer Meet Ups With Friends


Summer meet ups are so much fun. Pick relaxed areas with a chill vibe so that everyone can enjoy themselves. Summer meet ups are usually casual, don’t be to relaxed in your outfits because you want to look cute in those pictures and, you never know when you might meet mister right. So dress comfy,cute , and casual.

Meet ups are a great place to eat new and tasty meals, whether it’s at home or in a restaurant. Keep the music in all favor of the crowd, and chill to the wonderful beats. And don’t forget to swap out your perfume collection for those wow great smelling scents.

Summer Lasagna Recipes To Try Out

Date Night With Aegon Targaryen,What Would You Wear To The Wine Room Quarters Date 🌹

The Wine Room Quarters Date 🌹

Hello Everyone and I am at it again with my characters style boards. I want your feedback,tell me which outfit would you choose for a date with Prince Aegon Targaryen from House of The Dragons,leave me a comment on which outfit you would wear here on my blog, Instagram or Tumblr.

You are in your living room and there is knock on the front door, it’s Sir Christian Cole, and he hands you an envelope,you open it and it’s an invitation from Prince Aegon Targaryen 💚🌹🥰. He has requested your presence to meet with him at 9pm this Saturday in the Wine Room in a hidden quarters of  the castle that over looks the city, and you can see the stars at night. It has a little note to dress in Cocktail Formal attire.  Which style are you choosing with your date with Aegon Targaryen.

The night is filled with excitement, beautiful venue, great music,drinks and food. What style statement are you choosing for tonight 🤔?

Style Board #1. Classic Beauty.

Simple  sexy black style with a dab of glam, and minimal Hollywood makeup,it symbolizes old money.

Style Board#2 Shiny Diva

The shiny diva look gives the chandelier competition,it has the statement maker for look at me,see me and never forget me, with bling to match and shimmer makeup.

Style Board #3 Colorfully Sexy

This is the style for all who love colors that pop up at you when you enter the room. It’s bright,chic and sexy with makeup to match.

Style Board #4  Daring and Bold

Daring and Bold styles are exactly what the category is,Bold, modern,sexy and daring. It’s a look for the current trendsetters.

Date Night With Aemond Targaryen, Romantic Dinner In The Terrace Courtyard

You already know what time it is by the title in the heading, it’s fashion fantasy date night with Aemond Targaryen 💚🌹.

Tonight you received an invitation letter from a squire,and it has a romantic message from Prince Aemond Targaryen,it reads:

The terrace courtyard has a beautiful and simple landscape scenery,but at night by candle light,and beautiful lighting it’s so romantic. And just imagine the beautiful romantic songs Aemond likes to sing to you.(No one knows he sings but you). He said to dress casual so what are you wearing to catch his eye 👁️.

Pick a style you like and tell me about it here on my blogs,or Instagram or Tumblr.

Casual Dress Style Boards

Style Board #1

Style Board#2

Style Board #3

Style Board #4

Graduation Banquet In Fuchsia

Fuchsia is a vivid color that is a mix of pink and purple, and is named after the flower of the fuchsia plant. It is brighter than pink but warmer than purple, and is often called bright pink or hot pink. This is a great color for the month of May.

Have a wonderful day ❤️

Oh the places you will go gradgraduates when you put your mind to it ,and have no fear and follow your dreams. It’s your life so live it.
Congratulations on graduating and here’s to your next adventure! Adventure is where you choose to put your feet on the ground, and explore the possibility of finding something new.
Moms and Dads and everyone,hug one another, tell each other you love them , because life is short and no day is promised to you.

Dear God, bless these graduates, every one, and fill them with the Spirit of your love
Heavenly Father, Surround those who are graduating with your grace. Bless them with hope so that they move into the future with eager and open hearts 💞

The habit of being happy enables one to be freed, or largely freed, from the domination of outward conditions” — Robert Louis Stevenson

Mother’s Day Game Of Thrones &House Of The Dragon Style

I am a huge Game of Thrones fan and House of The Dragon’s fan ,so this Mother’s Day I am doing style collages  for my favorite tv show mother’s. If I were there stylist for mother’s day outfits this is how I would dress them.

Game of Thrones Mothers

Lady Olena

She is the grandmother we all need .Olenna Tyrell was the elderly matriarch of House Tyrell. After the destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor, her desire for vengeance leads her to pledge House Tyrell’s forces to Daenerys Targaryen.  And spoiler alert,She kills Joffery to save Margery from a miserable marriage with him. The best grandmother you can have.

Lady Catelyn Stark

Catelyn Stark is the Lady of House Stark she is married to Ned Stark ,but she comes from  her father’s House Tully. She is proud, strong, kind and generous, has a strong grasp of politics, and is often governed by the desire to protect her children. Catelyn is usually in accord with her husband Eddard Stark, but resents his admission of his extramarital son Jon Snow into their household.

Lady Melisandre

Her being on the list for a mother is controversial since her children disappear with the shadows.

Melisandre is a Red Priestess. After the Battle of Winterfell, she revives Jon Snow believing him to be The Prince That Was Promised. However, she later unites the newly crowned King in the North with Daenerys Targaryen, believing they both have an important part to play in the Great War.

The shadow creature (Baby)assassinates Renly. Melisandre and Stannis have sex, with Melisandre promising to give Stannis a son. After the failed parley between Stannis and Renly, Melisandre is revealed to be pregnant. She gives birth to a shadow in a cave close to Renly’s encampment while Davos watches in horror.

Alys Rivers was rumored to have the child of Aemond Targaryen

Alys Rivers

Alys  is the bastard of House Strong, and her character is intertwined with the kinslayer, Prince Aemond Targaryen. Some consider Alys to be a “witch queen,” and Aemond claims that she could see visions in flames, storm clouds, and pools of water.

The alleged witch queen was revealed to be Alys, who claimed to be the widow of Prince Aemond Targaryen. She presented a young boy as their trueborn son, who she said was the rightful king instead of Aegon III Targaryen.

Happy Mother’s Day Part 2 Will Come Out Tomorrow.

Walking on Sunshine

Sunflower style makes me feel like I am walking on sunshine.

Keep Faith In Your Life and Pray ❤️

God enjoys encouraging us through things in his creation, and sunflowers are certainly no exception. Growing from a small seed, they show how mighty a little faith can become. Their constant pursuit of the sun is a good reminder to continually seek the Son, Jesus, during our days

Keep a strong walk with GOD and your days will be like walking on sunshine.

Have a happy sunshine day.

Spring Glam

Our favorite season is back “SPRING”, with all it’s beautiful style and glamorous fashion.

I pray this season will be your season to shine and thrive with happiness. Love is all around you if you embody it. When haters come for your throat speak out against there darkness with prayer , and powerful affirmations of light. Darkness can’t live in the light and there tacky style can’t live in your glam life.

May joy and love fill your head and heart this spring.

Flowy Meadow Dress

Psalm 65:13. The meadows are clothed with flocks, the valleys also are covered with grain; they shout for joy and sing together.

Flowy Dress Styles For Spring and Summer

Style adjective,flow·i·er, flow·i·est. (especially of silks,sheer,and scarfs or clothing) hanging loosely or freely at full length; flowing: soft flowy gowns; flowy silk dresses. This is the description for spring dresses.

Tips For A Career In Mediation

Career looks

Set your career goals up to your standards and don’t forget your life and career goals belong to you and they are for you! This means no one is responsible for your success but you.

Do you need a life coach or stylist DM me on my social media sites or email me or leave a comment for me here. Fell free to share and like any of my content.

January Coats

It’s a New Year ,but the winter cold doesn’t know that ,it’s bringing the same old blizzard chills back. So frolic in the snow like a badass snow queen with style.

Life is short even in the cold ,so make wise decisions ,help others and don’t forget to work on your soul. Your soul is more fashionable than your coat ,and it stays in season longer .

Walk to the nearest coffee shop and grab something warm and yummy and chill out and don’t be stressed out about people and crap that doesn’t matter. Have fun and live your dreams .

Much love to my snow queens keeping it real and warm.

Aemond Targaryen

Aemond Targaryen House of the Dragon.

Love me some Aemond Targaryen,he is played by the British actor Ewan Mitchell. He has the role of the One eyed Targaryen after a roughly six-year time jump on House of the Dragons.

His talent is really amazing,he leaves us fans wanting more between episodes seven and eight. Ewan Mitchell has taken over as Aemond Targaryen, Daemon’s nephew. The actor has a striking appearance due to his eyepatch and scar over one eye where Lucerys, Rhaenyra’s son, slashed him during a conflict in one of the last episodes.

I can’t wait for season 2 this summer can you?

I want to interview him on my podcast or this blog, that would be a dream come true.

Aemond Targaryen

Aemond Targaryen House of the Dragon.

Love me some Aemond Targaryen,he is played by the British actor Ewan Mitchell. He has the role of the One eyed Targaryen after a roughly six-year time jump on House of the Dragons.

His talent is really amazing,he leaves us fans wanting more between episodes seven and eight. Ewan Mitchell has taken over as Aemond Targaryen, Daemon’s nephew. The actor has a striking appearance due to his eyepatch and scar over one eye where Lucerys, Rhaenyra’s son, slashed him during a conflict in one of the last episodes.

I can’t wait for season 2 this summer can you?

I want to interview him on my podcast or this blog, that would be a dream come true.

Aemond Targaryen

Aemond Targaryen House of the Dragon.

Love me some Aemond Targaryen,he is played by the British actor Ewan Mitchell. He has the role of the One eyed Targaryen after a roughly six-year time jump on House of the Dragons.

His talent is really amazing,he leaves us fans wanting more between episodes seven and eight. Ewan Mitchell has taken over as Aemond Targaryen, Daemon’s nephew. The actor has a striking appearance due to his eyepatch and scar over one eye where Lucerys, Rhaenyra’s son, slashed him during a conflict in one of the last episodes.

I can’t wait for season 2 this summer can you?

I want to interview him on my podcast or this blog, that would be a dream come true.

Aemond Targaryen

Aemond Targaryen House of the Dragon.

Love me some Aemond Targaryen,he is played by the British actor Ewan Mitchell. He has the role of the One eyed Targaryen after a roughly six-year time jump on House of the Dragons.

His talent is really amazing,he leaves us fans wanting more between episodes seven and eight. Ewan Mitchell has taken over as Aemond Targaryen, Daemon’s nephew. The actor has a striking appearance due to his eyepatch and scar over one eye where Lucerys, Rhaenyra’s son, slashed him during a conflict in one of the last episodes.

I can’t wait for season 2 this summer can you?

I want to interview him on my podcast or this blog, that would be a dream come true.

Aemond Targaryen

Aemond Targaryen House of the Dragon.

Love me some Aemond Targaryen,he is played by the British actor Ewan Mitchell. He has the role of the One eyed Targaryen after a roughly six-year time jump on House of the Dragons.

His talent is really amazing,he leaves us fans wanting more between episodes seven and eight. Ewan Mitchell has taken over as Aemond Targaryen, Daemon’s nephew. The actor has a striking appearance due to his eyepatch and scar over one eye where Lucerys, Rhaenyra’s son, slashed him during a conflict in one of the last episodes.

I can’t wait for season 2 this summer can you?

I want to interview him on my podcast or this blog, that would be a dream come true.

Fall Wedding Events

Fall Wedding Season is beautiful and sweet. Love the scenery of the leaf change and embrace the not too cold and not too hot weather that has been cast upon you.

Grey and slate purple are so beautiful against the scenery, and don’t be afraid of deep royal blues and dark navy. These colors are so beautiful for weddings and formal events.

What’s the best wedding drink for fall,try beautiful rums. They taste great and make for a great gifts.

Fall Wedding Events

Fall Wedding Season is beautiful and sweet. Love the scenery of the leaf change and embrace the not too cold and not too hot weather that has been cast upon you.

Grey and slate purple are so beautiful against the scenery, and don’t be afraid of deep royal blues and dark navy. These colors are so beautiful for weddings and formal events.

What’s the best wedding drink for fall,try beautiful rums. They taste great and make for a great gifts.

Fall Wedding Events

Fall Wedding Season is beautiful and sweet. Love the scenery of the leaf change and embrace the not too cold and not too hot weather that has been cast upon you.

Grey and slate purple are so beautiful against the scenery, and don’t be afraid of deep royal blues and dark navy. These colors are so beautiful for weddings and formal events.

What’s the best wedding drink for fall,try beautiful rums. They taste great and make for a great gifts.

Fall Wedding Events

Fall Wedding Season is beautiful and sweet. Love the scenery of the leaf change and embrace the not too cold and not too hot weather that has been cast upon you.

Grey and slate purple are so beautiful against the scenery, and don’t be afraid of deep royal blues and dark navy. These colors are so beautiful for weddings and formal events.

What’s the best wedding drink for fall,try beautiful rums. They taste great and make for a great gifts.

Fall Wedding Events

Fall Wedding Season is beautiful and sweet. Love the scenery of the leaf change and embrace the not too cold and not too hot weather that has been cast upon you.

Grey and slate purple are so beautiful against the scenery, and don’t be afraid of deep royal blues and dark navy. These colors are so beautiful for weddings and formal events.

What’s the best wedding drink for fall,try beautiful rums. They taste great and make for a great gifts.

Fall Wedding Events

Fall Wedding Season is beautiful and sweet. Love the scenery of the leaf change and embrace the not too cold and not too hot weather that has been cast upon you.

Grey and slate purple are so beautiful against the scenery, and don’t be afraid of deep royal blues and dark navy. These colors are so beautiful for weddings and formal events.

What’s the best wedding drink for fall,try beautiful rums. They taste great and make for a great gifts.

Fall Wedding Events

Fall Wedding Season is beautiful and sweet. Love the scenery of the leaf change and embrace the not too cold and not too hot weather that has been cast upon you.

Grey and slate purple are so beautiful against the scenery, and don’t be afraid of deep royal blues and dark navy. These colors are so beautiful for weddings and formal events.

What’s the best wedding drink for fall,try beautiful rums. They taste great and make for a great gifts.

Fall Wedding Events

Fall Wedding Season is beautiful and sweet. Love the scenery of the leaf change and embrace the not too cold and not too hot weather that has been cast upon you.

Grey and slate purple are so beautiful against the scenery, and don’t be afraid of deep royal blues and dark navy. These colors are so beautiful for weddings and formal events.

What’s the best wedding drink for fall,try beautiful rums. They taste great and make for a great gifts.

Fall Wedding Events

Fall Wedding Season is beautiful and sweet. Love the scenery of the leaf change and embrace the not too cold and not too hot weather that has been cast upon you.

Grey and slate purple are so beautiful against the scenery, and don’t be afraid of deep royal blues and dark navy. These colors are so beautiful for weddings and formal events.

What’s the best wedding drink for fall,try beautiful rums. They taste great and make for a great gifts.

Fall Wedding Events

Fall Wedding Season is beautiful and sweet. Love the scenery of the leaf change and embrace the not too cold and not too hot weather that has been cast upon you.

Grey and slate purple are so beautiful against the scenery, and don’t be afraid of deep royal blues and dark navy. These colors are so beautiful for weddings and formal events.

What’s the best wedding drink for fall,try beautiful rums. They taste great and make for a great gifts.

Showing Love To Autumn Dress Style

Autumn Fashion Needs Some Love Today

Autumn Fashion has a unique style of it’s own depending upon where you live. Let’s show some love to Autumn dresses and to all of the people around you .

This year animal shelters and people are struggling to get bye. Please be a blessing in your community to those in need.

What Are Your Career Plans For 2023??

2023 Career Plans

Alot is happening in the marketing world with all the information of inflation and certain industrial sectors closing or not hiring. Looking for jobs can be a challenge in the digital world since alot more people are working from home.

Did you know that I have a religious degree from King Cross Bible College and one of my majors is Humanities and I have a certificate in Human resources management,along with other education and training under my belt.

I love helping people and when I see a need for change I don’t run from it. Alot of my viewers need to prepare for the bumpy economy ahead. I love fashion,but don’t go broke for it. With that being said here are some great businesses to break into .

My Advice For 2023 Career Planning

Written by Rebecca Davis 12/1/22

These careers and job investments can get you through the tough economic times ahead. Education planning is a must too.

Try opening or working for the Consignment Market industry,there are all types from electronics to fashion. Digital consignment is growing use social media and the internet to your advantage .

Become a sales consultant for meal delivery services ,with food shortages many people are using food subscription services. You can set your own schedule,but you have to market yourself well to turn profits.

Become a food subscription services coordinator,many of these food companies need drivers and coordinator to expand their market areas, research them and start your own business.

Become a local entertainment consultant,with higher gas and food prices people want more local entertainment and in state travel

Travel consultant and bloggers are actually growing because the people who can afford to travel want more in state travel ,and closer destinations.

Online Music Blogging and Promotion Consultant Jobs will boom. Yes . People will look for music therapy during tough times.

Child Care specialists

Medical supplies consultant and sales

Real Estate agents and investments

Maintenance Jobs

Pet Care Specialists

Gardening Consultants and Local Agriculture Providers

Book keeping

Payroll consultants

Security physical and Online

Pest Control

Self Defense Sales

Self Defense Training Instructors and Consultants

Local Canning Assistant

Homemaker Assistant

Networking Consultant

Telecommunications Consultant and Sales

Tech Sales

Tech Consultant

Teacher/Tutoring online and in person.

Digital Artist

Art Promotion Consultant

Promotion Consultant

Digital Style Consultant

Interior Decorating

Furniture Making Industry

Local Delivery Industry

HVAC control technician

Work From Home Space Design

Clutter Removal Sales or worker

Professional Organizer


Mobile Sales Owner (Food truck, Mobile Shops, Beauty Shops that are mobile)

Off Grid Maintenance Tech – All fields

Off Grid Consultant and Sales

Natural Consultant and Sales

Gardening Sales from home

Local food provider

Fashion Designer From Home

Mobile Medical Industry

Handyman/Woman Tech or owner

Warranty Sales and Insurance Provider

Solar and Alternative Energy Sales and Tech

Alternative Energy Appliance Maintenance and Tech,and Design


Hair Consultant

Hair Tangle Specialists


Materials Maintenance and Sales

Clean Energy Sales



Mediation Provider

Legal Consultant

Mental Health Field

I knew I threw alot at you, but many of these fields require little training and education.

Entrepreneurs are always in demand so follow your dreams and I wish you well in this new year to come

Fall Weddings and Fall Brides

Strapless wedding gowns are in the top of the line this fall.

Fall and Autumn weddings are great because it is not to hot and not to cold. The background areas are beautiful with changing leaf’s and trees and there are discounted items from summer wedding season you can get if you act fast.

Let your fall wedding buffet be flavorful and colorful with style.

The outdoor style wedding is fun and romantic ,just like the fall season.

Saturday Night Looks-Red

What Are You Doing This Saturday? Lets Plan A Mixer And Wear Red!

Music and Food

What is the perfect menu for a red mixer. Well how about Nachos,lol not just any style Nachos.

Grab some bags of fiery doritos and a 1lb bag of mixed mexican cheese,velveeta blend. 2 cans of black beans ,and 1lb ground beef or turkey, and a package of taco seasoning or any type of mexican seasoning you like. Cook the meat in the seasoning, cook the beans, preheat the oven on warm,place your doritos in a pan spread them out and pour the beans ,then the cheese, then the meat do this twice with the cheese ending on top. Then place it in the oven for 5 mins. Remove it after 5 min and serve with sour cream,guacamole on the side. Yummy!

For that nice cool drink to wash it down lets get some red crush powder mix and Dasni water lime club soda packs

Get some crushed ice or shaved ice ,pour the Dasani club soda water into the ice stirring then add the crush red soda powder mixes in ,add as many to your taste and serve.

Now lets get your party on.

Hype Music

Fashion Inspired Taste From The Motherland

In the seasons to come you will see an influx of fashion that will have jewelry,patterns and prints,and colors that will be influenced by African culture. The style is beautiful ,but can you pull it off . Here is some advice on how to wear it.

1. Don’t overload your ensemble with all the prints just gradually put pieces of it in your wardrobe.

Like for instance with shoes or just a top . You don’t have to have it on you from head to toe. Mix the ideas in your outfit. Like just do a heavy printed jacket,pant or too and neutral it out.

Advice #2 Take Precaution In Color Choice.

Everybody’s skin tone is made for a certain print and color. So when picking out your style put the fabric up to your skin and see how it plays out.

Prints can Work For or Against You.

When choosing to express your style remember your body shape. Certain prints and colors can swallow up your figure, and some can add on to your figure. So play wisely in your outfit.

Have fun with your makeup and hair. The colors and prints can bring out your natural beauty.

The fun thing about this trend is you can express your style and really make it coutoure and high fashion.

If you don’t want to be all high fashion ,then opt for a more simple look .

Meeting New Clients Style

So you have new clients to meet today and they are an important asset to your company. But you don’t know what to wear to this meeting ,well here are some pointers.

Don’t Be To Showy Today, Allow your brain to be the focus point in the room. So lets go for an outfit that is classy and smart.

Try a navy blue tone outfit ,like I said navy is a color that is often over looked by many.

If this is not your style and you need to be more casual lets try this look.

This one is my favorite

Work Attire For The First Day Of December

December is a great example on how to express cold weather style.You don’t have to be in traditional colors to be fashionable.

Wearing bold colors this winter to work or for other daily challenges should not be a problem. Having the right style that fits your lifestyle and supports your confidence should be a priority in your wardrobe.

Add in a little print design to your winter dress, make sure your purse and boots match.

Don’t be afraid of yellow,mustard yellow and bronze yellow are cute bold statement colors.

Add a long sexy red trench if you want to project power and warmth to your wardrobe.

Winter White Fashion

Winter White Fashion

Winter whites are clean,sharp and neutral.White is a color that is classy when it is paired with its siblings in Style. All white gives a bold statement and appearance when it is styled properly. Here are some wardrobe ideas for the color white this winter.

By Rebecca Davis

Winter White Fashion has a clean,sharp and neutral Fashion appearance. The look is strong and inviting, especially on cute fashionable dress jackets.

Cold Weather Cant Stop Fashion

Cold Weather Cant Stop Fashion

Here are some cold weather fashion ideas and tips.

Do Long Coats to Protect You From The Harsh Weather

Grab That Great Sweater Or Cardigan .

Do bring out that favorite cardigan or sweater this season. Pick items of clothing that will keep you warm,make you happy and that complements your body.

Dark is Beautiful

Who says Goth Style is bland and not hot,well no one says that because it’s not true. Goth Style is daring, beautiful and dark. Gothic Looks can be elegant and beautiful. Gothic style or dark style can be easily worn with many different styles. It’s all in the Style Pieces you choose. Here are some Dark Style Ideas.

Dark Casual

Dark work

Dark Glam

Dark Wedding

Gretchen Wiener Style-Mean Girls

This week we Are Celebrating Mean Girls Fashion 

Mean Girls Quotes

Gretchen Wieners: I’m sorry that people are so jealous of me. …

This Week The MyShopping Click is celebrating the style of Mean Girls. Lets Meet Gretchen Wieners


Gretchen Wieners. Gretchen Wieners is one of the main characters in Mean Girls. She is portrayed by Lacey Chabert. Gretchen is a member of the Plastics.

Mean Girl Gretchen Image







Mean Girls -Fetch


Dark Fashion

Here are some Dark Fashion Styles For Halloween

Dark fashion can be incorporated into your daily life, we in the fashion world call it gothic, dark rock, and dark punk styles. Dark retro can fall into this category as well. Halloween does not have to be the only season to wear this style of fashion.

Dark Punk

Halloween Makeup

Dark Glam For A Dark Ball