Autumn Spice

Loving me some autumn spice in my drink and on my body. What is your mood like today? Well it should be cinnamon sweet and pumpkin bold .

Try new flavors of coffee or teas. Trying new things can be fun and it will add positive vibes to your mood. Be grateful always and enjoy life and those around you. Time is precious just like the autumn seasons.

Thanksgiving Orange


When you think of orange people tend to see yellow and red on the spectrum of the visible light.

Hues of orange are great plays on any skin tone during the holidays.

Orange represents confidence, joy and enthusiasm.


Creativity, emotional balance, sexuality, harmony, passion, freedom, intuition, and expression of emotions.

Fashion and Color Knowledge

The Human eyes perceive orange when observing light with a dominant wavelength between roughly 585 and 620 nanometres. In painting and traditional colour theory, it is a secondary colour of pigments, created by mixing yellow and red. This is the power of orange.

Happy Thanksgiving

From Rebecca Davis -Owner

And The My Shopping Click Family

Be Thankful for the SMALL and the BIG Blessings that life gives you.

Try The Rose Collins Drink,found on

Happy 19th Of June

Happy 19th Of June

The 19th of June is a holiday that many people celebrate because it is the last day of slavery for blacks in America. Mostly recognized in the southern states.

Happy 19th Of June

Freedom is a right for all,its apart of our natural humanity on this earth. We must remind and educate many of this right. If we don’t we get the crap we see today.

Diversity is a beautiful thing and we all should be apart of it.

Clean Up On Your Christmas Beauty

Hey Click Happy Holidays

I just wanted to give you some beauty advice for organizing your haul. I do it, we all do it ,when those sales and clearances come we stock up and there is nothing wrong with that.

However we can become cluttered or we forget to check the date to get rid of expired beauty products. Yes this is a form of organization ,but it is also a health risk.

Many expired products can hold bacteria and staph. So if its at least 15 days past the due date hurry and use it up or throw it away in a recycle can please.

Saftey and proper health is always fashionable.

Use The Cleanup Time To Give Back

If you have products that you won’t use please donate them to your local shelter or regift them to your friends and loved ones and co workers. It saves you time and money and you get to give back to some one in need.

Have A Safe And Happy,Blessed Holiday Season To You All.