January Coats

It’s a New Year ,but the winter cold doesn’t know that ,it’s bringing the same old blizzard chills back. So frolic in the snow like a badass snow queen with style.

Life is short even in the cold ,so make wise decisions ,help others and don’t forget to work on your soul. Your soul is more fashionable than your coat ,and it stays in season longer .

Walk to the nearest coffee shop and grab something warm and yummy and chill out and don’t be stressed out about people and crap that doesn’t matter. Have fun and live your dreams .

Much love to my snow queens keeping it real and warm.

Eye Style Ups For Spring

Spring Eye Fashion,Upgrade Your Eyes

Eye Style Ups

Eye style ups, can be so much fun and full of style,especially in spring.

Color and a little shine is a great start.

Don’t be afraid of vibrant greens and yellows.

Add color for a night out.

The younger you are,the more fun you should have with your eyes.

Be dramatically fun.

What is social media for if you can’t be artistic with your eyes?

Just pose for the camera ,click click!

Lace It Up!

This is February the month for lust and lace. Add something extra to your creative closet this month,lets add lace and lust or even lace and leather.

Lace is a fabric that looks good on anyone ,no mater if you have a very curvy body or a mild shape body.

Lace can be worn in bags ,shoes,clothes ,outer clothes or underneath.

Take your imagination to new levels with lace. Its fun,sexy,cheap and mysterious on all levels.

Don’t be afraid to show him what your made of,you know sugar and spice and everything nice.

Going out ,well try a sexy backless dress with lace details,it will turn heads.

Lace It All Up!

December 31st Mood

Its the end of the year and it is time to let go of the past and to forgive yourself and others. There is a whole new world in front of you and you don’t want it to pass you by. We have all made mistakes learn from them ,grow from them. There is a GOD and he is forgiving ,ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself. Lets end today and this year with a clean spirit and mind. Clarity is always in style. Forgive your self of your mistakes its okay to do so,its a human right.


Lets put on our big girl shoes for the journey ahead.

Happy New Year ,Good bye 2019 and Hello 2020

Fashion Inspired Taste From The Motherland

In the seasons to come you will see an influx of fashion that will have jewelry,patterns and prints,and colors that will be influenced by African culture. The style is beautiful ,but can you pull it off . Here is some advice on how to wear it.

1. Don’t overload your ensemble with all the prints just gradually put pieces of it in your wardrobe.

Like for instance with shoes or just a top . You don’t have to have it on you from head to toe. Mix the ideas in your outfit. Like just do a heavy printed jacket,pant or too and neutral it out.

Advice #2 Take Precaution In Color Choice.

Everybody’s skin tone is made for a certain print and color. So when picking out your style put the fabric up to your skin and see how it plays out.

Prints can Work For or Against You.

When choosing to express your style remember your body shape. Certain prints and colors can swallow up your figure, and some can add on to your figure. So play wisely in your outfit.

Have fun with your makeup and hair. The colors and prints can bring out your natural beauty.

The fun thing about this trend is you can express your style and really make it coutoure and high fashion.

If you don’t want to be all high fashion ,then opt for a more simple look .

You Are A Manifestation Of The Universal Mind

You are a manifestation of the Universal mind. When thinking about how you create your own reality, the following quote comes to mind:

“Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

If you are a Queen,then rule your throne.

It’s My Birthday Playlist ,By Rebecca

It’s my Birthday Party Playlist for the office, Come Jam with me.

Let’s Start Off With Some Wake Up Music This Morning. SO LETS ROCK!

1. Power \By Little Mix

2.Porcelain Black

3.Rammstein -Links

4.Jessie J, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj – Bang Bang ft. Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj

5.Ariana Grande – Side To Side ft. Nicki Minaj

December 30th 2018 Fashion Topics Top 5

What’s buzzing around today in the Click?

Today we were picking some of our top most memorable looks of the 2018 year . Here are the top 5.

These styles were inspired by actual client bookings,so enjoy!

#1 Garden Visions

#2 The Wine Event Party

The Wine Party was one of our top all time party looks.

#3 Too Much To Drink Divas

#4 Princess Dreams

A client of mine wore a much similar look for a 16th Birthday Party.

#5 Rebecca’s Top Pick For Work

In January I will post all of my looks on the updated website. Thank you all for saving my pins and voting for me I’m walking away with 6 style trophy wins on Trendme for too looks and one from Urstyle. I have 150k views on pinterest and even had twitter block my post for making 100k plus tweets. I am a brand ambassador for 4 websites and my clientale is growing,but my #1 Highlight is all of the Million members I have in my Click. Thank you so much and lets get another Million to join us.

Thank You – Rebecca Davis


Work It Style Wednesday


Wednesday Work It Style

Keep it Going Ladies! The Day Has Begun and Its Almost Over!

It’s hump day, so you’re already through half of the week. But don’t let that stop you from working hard to achieve your goals. These quotes will give you that extra push to keep going and don’t stop reaching for that coffee or energy drink.

Philippians 4:6. We don’t have to be anxious when we can freely talk with God about our needs.

Psalm 34:4. Freedom from fear is so empowering!

“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water and sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NIV





adult beverage caffeine cappuccino

Christmas Style Formal Red Dress Ideas

Red Christmas dresses are always a popular favorite this time of year. There are so many varieties to choose from and so many different themes and red colors. Choosing a red dress can be overwhelming.

Rebecca’s Tip

When shopping for a red dress take your shoes with you.Your shoes will help determine the color red and theme for your dress. When picking a formal dress take a picture of an ideal dress you might want to look for.But remember it’s okay to change your mind and stay away from your picture dress because you might find something else that suits you.

Best of luck shopping and from December 8-13th I will be giving away free Image Consulting Slots .Just sign up and email me.