Dark Romance Style

Dark Romance Date Style

Poem found at


It Matters Not

It hovers here, a moon opaque,
obscuring mountain trails I take.
No other living things appear.
A moon opaqueIt hovers here.

I follow on along a ledge;
below a swirling river’s edge.
In front of me, the canyon’s yawn.
Along a ledge, I follow on.

I see no hue when fog congeals.
Oh, doom of one who no more feels!
The moon has fled, as so have you.
When fog congeals, I see no hue.

Now all is dim; it matters not.
My dear one’s heart I have not got.
No use in living without him.
It matters notNow all is dim.

At peace I’ll be if I should fall
to murky water from this wall.
Oh, yawning canyon, swallow me.
If I should fall, at peace I’ll be.

Dark Romance the deepest form of desire a person can have.

Romance Day Beauty, By Rebecca

It’s Romance Day

Romance is everywhere today,just because Valentine’s Day was last week that doesn’t mean Romance stops for the romantics at heart.

Ladies pick out that special dress ,get your hair done and pull out something special in your closet. And most of all dont forget to fix your face here are some special items you might want to use to keep a romantic glow,like primer and special perfumes.

Romance The Night in Royal Blue.

Valentines Day may be over ,but romance ,fun and play does not stop.Reach out to your lover and plan a trip for small getaway and romance the night in royal blue.

Blue fashionable eye makeup that will drive him wild.

Adding pops of color like blue to your eyes can draw attention to your facial detail.

Don’t forget to pack that beautiful night gown ,you want to be alluring and sexy on your night cap.

Choose fun standout dresses when going out. Short and blue is never a miss on a hot date.

Try some fun blue drinks on your trip

Get a taste of some blue berry wine.Trust me when it is in the right year,yummy!

Have fun in the blue!