When They Won’t Let You Shop

When they won’t let you shop ,dig deep inside of your fashion soul and call upon your FairyGlamMother for a Black credit card,Amazing stylist ,and a Curse for those who burden you. And follow these 10 tips to get you threw it.

Watch the clip below

Blocking Oprah from shopping ,WHAT a DumbAss

Word of advice you never know who will come threw your door. WATCH below.

Always be kind to your customers

Rebecca’s 10 Tips On When they won’t let you shop .

When your shopping you are there for a purpose. Shopping can be fun and stressful, happy and sad all at the same time.”Yes”, Shopping can be. But some of us experience the devil when shopping.These are the horrible associates who don’t know ther place and manners in hospitality and customer service. It happens to us all ,and for some of us more frequently than the average customer. I have had situations of where I have had to let my inner bitch out. But we can’t always do that ,there is a time and a place for everything.

1. Even though the situation has caught you off guard,KEEP CALM! The situation is not permanent just temporary.

2. Ask what the situation is in a firm calm voice,be authoritative.

3. If the reasoning is not justified ask for the supervisor or manager.

4. If you are not getting the treatment you deserve ,pull out a recording device,and get the names of the individuals involved, the store number and address. Write the date and time down for your records.

5. File a complaint verbally and in written form.

6. If you are not satisfied with the results go up the ladder to human resources, regional mangers and so firth.

7. If still there is no shopping justice take your voice to social media. Blog about it everywhere from big brand sites to small independent sites.

8. Last but not least if necessary file a law suit,or take some form of leagle action against the company or business that has done you wrong.

9. Block all shopping from that place ,don’t even entertain them with your money,presence and so forth. And pass the boycott on to your friends and family and other social circles.

10. Go online to shop and shop with there competition.

Happy Shopping This Holiday Season

Orchestra Style

A Night At The Orchestra

Beautiful Orchestra Music

Rules for the orchestra

1. Always dress formal ,you and your date.

2. Turn your cell phone off!

3. Don’t wait for the last minute to get tickets,especially during the Christmas season and other Holiday seasons.

4. Try to eat before you go these venues don’t usually carry snack bars.Put a granola bar in your purse ,these events are lengthy.

5. Use the bathroom before sitting ,and Be on time. They will not let you in and out of your seat ,no matter what. So be on time and Go before you sit!

A Glamorous Night Out with an awsome date can be so romantic. Orchestra dates are the best! Plan a romantic evening to see a show at your local orchestra, it will be a night to remember.

Our heart and prayers are with you

Our heart and prayers are with everyone who is being impacted by the hurricane.

1.Pray and stay calm

2.Have a safety back up plan in place

3. Get a list of all important local and government agencies numbers

Get a list of numbers with your family and friends for emergency communication.

4. Make sure you have up to 30days of batteries, water and non perishable food for you and your pets. Keep candles in a candle safety glass when burned same for oil lamps.

5. Get an emergency kit for injuries and keep it with you. Get vitamins,water,Pedialyte, peptobismol,feminine items,diapers.

Volunteer and donate to local shelters Please!

They will be overburdened by the hurricane afterwards.

I will do a doomsday prepping blog for everyone next month.