March Work Styles

March can sometimes have some chilly day depending upon what region you are in ,but it also has some warm days. March is typically a windy and sometimes rainy month.A lot of people say its the cross between winter and spring.

So you might need a spring trench or cardigan in your closet. Because its the month that holds St. Patricks Day you will see a lot of green and some prints from us. Here are some March Work Styles you might want to try.

There are dark greens and light greens you can play with in your creative closet.

What is Boss Style?


Written by Rebecca Davis Blogger 8/9/18

BOSS STYLE can be defined as a powerful ,bold ,creative look.Its a look that comes from intelligence and confidence. BOSS STYLE is beautiful and it’s more than just clothing it’s a lifestyle.

As a boss you have responsibility to set the tone in your work environment, your clothes can be an example of the standards you want to have set in your office or company.

BOSS STYLE is strength , a BOSS should be at her best health that she possibly can be. Being the boss of good health is a strengthening bond that should be shared through out your work environment. All Bosses should have good mental and physical health.

BOSS STYLE can be beautiful ,feminine and sexy at the same time.

This style is for the hard working woman who has strived to accomplish her dreams and goals. Any woman can have BOSS STYLE. It is not limited to your income, race,religion or social status. BOSS STYLE represents every woman who has embraced her inner strength and beauty and all charisma that makes her unique. BOSS STYLE is not limited or exclusive to any female,it’s a lifestyle all women should embrace.

Women all over the world struggle everyday ,just because we are women. And everyday there is a BOSS that is brave and fearless that fights for our justice so that women can have equality and to make positive changes in the world so that more BOSSES can emerge.

Embrace the BOSS STYLE it is more than fashion it’s a lifestyle.


A Boss should Always have a great bag.