Girl Power Monday

Congratulations to all the graduates. Don’t give up when things get tough in life, pray threw it and learn from it. The challenges,the heartache, the tears and pain are a badge of honor to your soul ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ž. Pray Psalm’s 91 over you. Life can and will get challenging,but God is here for you,let God fight your battles.

Have a great Monday ๐Ÿ’žThink positive thoughts for this week and it will happen.

Checkered Work Style Tuesday

Hello Click,Its Tuesday and the style choice for today is checkered inspired. Lets incorporate it in our wardrobe today. Here are some style looks to inspire you on your journey.

Okay Ladies ,Lets step out the door and into the world and lets inspire to make a difference for the better good of society.

Say these affirmations 3 times!

I am made wonderful by my heavenly creator and I will inspire myself to be the best me I can be.

December Work Styles For Professionals

Professional women always need to look there best. We have enough pressure from organizing departments and running meetings and keeping the fiscal budget in tact.

During the busy work week you don’t have time to pick out what you are going to wear,you have a company to run. So try a style board by a fashion consultant or image consultant. Fashion Consultants make for a great gift these holidays. Reach out to me .

Here are some work professional style ideas you might want to try this week.

Casual Weekend Style For Work And Leisure

Its the weekend and you have those short work days .You want to be professional but casual. Grab some jeans and dress them up or get that casual dress to wear.

Casual work style can be professional and sexy. Casual for work and Weekend Play. Its the best of both worlds.

Remember its the weekend don’t work too hard ,have a little fun in between work if you can ,it good for the mental health.

Hello Fall Thursday

Are You Loving This Fall Thursday ? I Hope So.

It is the day before the weekend and the day before Friday so make it count, and be joyous of your blessings. It can’t be a gloomy day unless you allow it to be a gloomy day. Make the most out of life by being the best person you can be. Don’t take any negative energy or people with you today,forgive them and release the darkness and stress from you.

Say it with me 3 times , And Say It Like You Mean It!

1.Today Is A Fabulous Fall Thursday

2.Today Is A Fabulous Fall Thursday

3. Today Is A Fabulous Fall Thursday

Now go into your closet and pull out and outfit that inspires you and put it on and don’t forget to accessorize and apply your beauty.

Here are some outfit inspirations to get you on your positive journey this Fall Thursday.

Monday Black and White

Monday Black And White Work Styles

Its another Monday and another day at the office. So today lets style ourselfs simple and chic in just black and white.

Grab what ever black and white pieces you like and just let your creative style flow.

Today is Monday and let’s put our mind to the test to try to make today a good day.

Repeat this 3 times

Say to yourself I am beautiful, I am strong ,I am the me GOD wants me to be.

I hope you all are happy and blessed on this Monday

Summer and Work Make A Fashion Merger For The Formal Office

It is summer and that doesn’t mean fashion and summer can’t merge in the board room. So like good networking agents ,you plan a meeting to bring the two together. Summer is fun and full of color and design, and if you work in a formal office setting you need a mature style and a professional looking ensemble. So Boss ladies and Executives just merge the two together and get a fun outgoing style. Check out these looks.

Summer Work Styles For The Formal Office

Casual Summer Work Looks To Draw Inspiration From

These looks do it well for summer casual wear in the office. An all purpose outfit is handy for days of work and play. Comfort is always a choice. Adding print can jazz up a look ,these stylist got it just right for these ladies.

See a style you like or want to try out email me or contact me on social media or leave a comment on the blog and I would love to style for you.

Education Style

Education Style

Here are some trendy fashion ideas for ladies who want to work in the education administration field.

Education is a great career field for new graduates,or those making a career change.

Have you considered a career in education, if so grab your resume and get to job hunting.


These are some important skills and traits one will need if they plan on working in a University/College or Education Center. These skills are for the Administration level and not neceasary the theaching level. So Graduates how do you stack up in the skill level ?

Most employers want a generic education of Associates Degree and higher or some formal training and experience.


โ€ข Ability to evaluate student transcripts and/or records.
โ€ข Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
โ€ข Skill in examining and re-engineering operations and procedures, formulating policy, and developing and implementing new strategies and procedures.
โ€ข Knowledge of the broad spectrum of available college academic units, curricula, and programs.
โ€ข Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of individuals in a diverse community.

โ€ข Organizing and coordinating skills.
โ€ข Knowledge of college admissions policies, standards, and procedures.
โ€ข Skill in the use of computerized systems and databases.
โ€ข Knowledge of student recruitment and retention issues.
โ€ข Ability to gather data, compile information, and prepare reports.
โ€ข Ability to design and write promotional material.

โ€ข Ability to develop and deliver presentations.
โ€ข Ability to develop, plan, and implement short- and long-range goals.

Don’t Limit Your Success

No matter how good you are, someone is always going to be against you. But never let them be the limit of your success.โ€โ€“ Terry Mark

โ€“ Terry Mark

Written by Rebecca Davis

Women between the ages of 18-25 are 60% more likely to limit there success more than men. Women between the ages of 25-45 are 70% more likely to limit there success more than men .

WHY!? Researchers say its because of financial reasons , education and skills and life circumstances that cause women to limit there suceccss.

Women between the ages of 18-25 often go threw a research phase in there education ,meaning during this age period women often experiment in there careers and education.This is the stage of life when we question ourselves is this the right degree,or we began to change our mind in the career place and discover new hobbies,talents and skills and we began new adventures in the professional world and we can sometimes gain opportunities or loose them. This is normal because its our developmental phase and we all go threw it. The bad thing is if you bounce around to much lets say every 1yr or 6months you may limit yourself on the valuable skills you can learn if you stay at a minimum of 2yrs.

As a woman we all are guilty of putting others before us family and friends,always taking care of others needs. When we do this and not put our career first we often get passed over for management positions and promotions.

All age groups get affected by life circumstances. Forinstance getting married,having kids or having to deal with health issues. More than 78% of us make excuses and then life and age passes us over and opportunities that were once there are no longer available.

Many of us get hit with the financial issue and burdens of life. When you don’t have enough income to take training courses,finishing your degree or having the opportunity to go to college or secondary school. College is expensive and many women can’t afford it and we often get over looked for certain positions or opportunities because we lack the funds to skill our needs to advance in the work place.

My advice to everyone is take your opportunities at any age. Make a goal plan and a vision board and pray. Take a risk because you may be dead or too old ,you may regret it if you don’t. We all can’t go to ivey league college but there are cheap skill advancement programs all over and places that offer on the job training and education. There are alternative schools and free education communities. Get a mentor and learn. Educate yourself online,read books,go to the library and take advantage of government programs. And once again pray. Don’t limit your success for anyone GOD has a plan for all of us ask GOD for the instructions.

Life is a new beginning!

Monday Office Style For April 8th

My designer pick for today is Cora Canela. Pictures provided from pinterest. Cora Canela is not affiliated with this blog or website,we just love her fashion.

Its another day at the office and you still got a mountain of papers to file and memos to send out. But even with the stress of it all you still look great.

Message From Rebecca , Today I am putting my health coach certification skills to work.Don’t lag on vegetables this week ,If you are really busy put more beets in your diet for energy,and get tons of water and rest. Your body will thank you.

Cute Flats For Work

Running errands from department to department and standing for those gosh darn presentations,and your feet feel like they have been stepping on glass in the Sahara desert. Well your joints and toes need a break and you want to be cute and comfortable.Well here are some cute flats I thought you may like to try for work.

Flats that are plane can be decorated with pins and brooches if you want to.have some extra flare in your wardrobe.

February Work Style

Red is the power color for February. Lets work in power today and this month.

Power can be defined as the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.

All women have a powerful quality that they poses inside,find your power in your skills,strength and ability to make changes with the influence of GOD.

Let your style have an influence of power.

The Power Of Speech”

Speech is a powerful substance in the way we communicate with each other. Our speech can be in written form or verbal. When we use our speech this month lets be influential role models for younger girls to achieve and follow there dreams. Let us be motivational leaders for change and equality in womens rights. To all the women lets strike a mark in our destiny with a powerful language of speech. Our speech should be feminine,bold and creative ,and most of all intelligent. To all the females in the world lets rise to POWER!

RED In Your Beauty

Add soft suttles of red to your lips and cheeks. When you wear the color of red you don’t want to drown in it. Just a little pop of red on your face goes along way. Keep red with a neutral color so that it won’t be so overwhelming.

Meeting New Clients Style

So you have new clients to meet today and they are an important asset to your company. But you don’t know what to wear to this meeting ,well here are some pointers.

Don’t Be To Showy Today, Allow your brain to be the focus point in the room. So lets go for an outfit that is classy and smart.

Try a navy blue tone outfit ,like I said navy is a color that is often over looked by many.

If this is not your style and you need to be more casual lets try this look.

This one is my favorite


What does your business jacket say about your style personality. Are you playful, serious, flexible, and trendy. Believe it or not your business jacket is a reflection of your personality and not your skills or talents, fashion is not that powerful only your brain and character can project that. But while your brain does the work your creative style can be an accommodative factor to your charm ,let your wardrobe express your creative intelligence with an awesome business jacket at work today.

Be The Sun By Rebecca Davis 1/1/2019

Boss Ladies Are On Point Today.

Bosses dont let your negative thoughts get in the way today just lead and be the sun like you are supposed to be-Rebecca Davis

Rebecca’s Advice For Today.

When we are leaders alot of pressure and stress gets placed on us. Sometimes we notice amazing things and we forget about the good things because our sunrays can beam off the amazing and therefore overshadow the good things. As people, when we want to be vindictive we often hidebehind the clouds and refuse to shine on the bad. As a leader of a group organization we often get looked at like the sun,we often are compared to the sun. We are over looked and took for granted by others. But there is one thing we must remember just like the sun when we really shine,we must spread our Ray’s on the good and the bad so everything can grow.

So Boss Ladies Let’s Grow Our Companies!

Work It Style Wednesday


Wednesday Work It Style

Keep it Going Ladies! The Day Has Begun and Its Almost Over!

Itโ€™s hump day, so youโ€™re already through half of the week. But donโ€™t let that stop you from working hard to achieve your goals. These quotes will give you that extra push to keep going and don’t stop reaching for that coffee or energy drink.

Philippians 4:6. We don’t have to be anxious when we can freely talk with God about our needs.

Psalm 34:4. Freedom from fear is so empowering!

โ€œBlessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water and sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.โ€ย Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NIV





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