Meeting His Parents -Dot  Style Dresses  For Summer

When meeting his parents dress neat and smell nice.
Everyone is different from culture, religion, backgrounds,so
get some background information from your boyfriend on what his parents are like.
Dress in a modest but flattering outfit.
Meet in a neutral place if you can.
Be on time.
Bring a small gift.
Ask his parents questions.
Ask his parents for stories about your boyfriend’s childhood.
Julia Roberts’s character in the film Pretty Woman wore a polka dot dress to appear of higher social status.
Fetell Lee goes on to explain that our love of dots is linked to the amygdala in our brains, proving a scientific reason why we’re drawn towards the shape. She adds that polka dots do double duty, mixing play with abundance, two things that are proven to bring joy.

Keep the conversation peaceful, no religion, politics or personal beliefs should be in the conversation. So  prepare yourself to talk about your job, your hobbies, and anything you like to do for fun. Keep it simple and entertaining. They might also ask you about your family or where you grew up, too. Be honest, but try to keep things mostly basic,leaving out the trauma and drama. As you chat with his parents, try to avoid swearing or over-sharing. And no gossip,you never know who knows who.

Table Manners

Here are some table manners for young ladies to abide by when meeting your boyfriends parents.

Before sitting down: Wash your hands and put your phone on silent or vibrate.

At the table: Wait for everyone to be seated, place your napkin on your lap, and follow your host’s lead.

Eating: Use utensils from the outside in, chew with your mouth closed, and eat slowly.

Passing food: Pass food dishes to the right, unless the person asking is to your immediate left.

Sipping: Sip from the same place on your glass for the rest of the meal.

Taking a break: Put your utensils on your plate when you’re done or taking a break.

When you’re done: Place your napkin on the table, not on your dirty plate, and put your utensils diagonally across the plate with the handles pointing down and to the right.

Other: Keep your elbows off the table, avoid slouching, and don’t reach across the table for things.

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