Evening Verde

Evening green wear can be memorable and a one of a kind.

Many explores have searched the ends of the earth for rare green stones.

Green colors do not have to be worn during the Christmas season,they can be a brand mark color all year round.

Gold hues seem to bring green colors out the best all seasons.

I love green when it is paired and styled correctly. It can be so romantic,fierce and elegant with a dash of sexyness at the same time.

By Rebecca

Pamper Me Monday

Happy Monday Click! I know many of us are still shut in and we need to make a quick buck or two, if you do try selling Avon or some other beauty products.You can even make the product yourself and sell it.

Now today is the beginning of the week and you should take care of your self. First grab your robe,skin care products and moisturizer. Make some chamomile tea and make the bathroom into a sauna,or grab a hot towel from the dryer or however you want to pamper yourself.

Great Places To Work From Home




Or become an entrepreneur and start your own skin care company from home. It is possible even during this troubling time. And now would be the best time to start. Just sell locally or online. You can do it!

Be brave and resourceful ,GOD will bring you threw these trying times Amen!

To combat stress self care is necessary,you may not be able to go to the spa or you may not be able to afford one,so be creative and take care,we all need a little pampering.

3 New Facial Masks To Try.


Relaxing Oils

Make This Monday Fun , Invite Your Daughter or Sister ,or even a friend to your spa day.

It is important to teach kids about proper care of there skins,start from the inside out.

Out Of Isolation Monday

Still practicing social distancing ,but also practicing for my summer style. Be safe and healthy everyone.

Wash your hands and sanitize .

Add some b vitamins to your diet by adding some some beets and feel free to put some blueberries in your diet too. A smoothie is a simple fun way to start your day. Grab a blender and add some almond or plane milk in it,grab some powdered beets or caned ones ,I prefer a beet powder mix ,add some berries and blend away to your taste.

For lunch have a healthy garden salad and choose a light balsimic for the dressing.

What Is Dark Wine and Dark Brown and Red Today?-

What Is Dark Wine and Dark Brown and Red Today?- The answer is your style.

Have you ever thought about these color choices being incorporated into your wardrobe? A lot of ladies are afraid of these color patterns because they think they are too dark.But these colors offer elegance and power with a mature tone in style. Give it a try sometime.

Makeup Tips For Dark Tones On Your Skin.

You can use dark tones on certain parts of your face depending upon your skin type,most women will try it on there lips or eyes,which is fine but don’t be afraid to apply it in your blush when contouring.

How To Make It Work In A Casual Style.

Just add a stylish jacket,your favorite skinny jeans and a cute boot.

Try it for a day out with friends style.

It looks great for a work style.

Clean Up On Your Christmas Beauty

Hey Click Happy Holidays

I just wanted to give you some beauty advice for organizing your haul. I do it, we all do it ,when those sales and clearances come we stock up and there is nothing wrong with that.

However we can become cluttered or we forget to check the date to get rid of expired beauty products. Yes this is a form of organization ,but it is also a health risk.

Many expired products can hold bacteria and staph. So if its at least 15 days past the due date hurry and use it up or throw it away in a recycle can please.

Saftey and proper health is always fashionable.

Use The Cleanup Time To Give Back

If you have products that you won’t use please donate them to your local shelter or regift them to your friends and loved ones and co workers. It saves you time and money and you get to give back to some one in need.

Have A Safe And Happy,Blessed Holiday Season To You All.


Old Fashioned Remedies For Beauty and Skincare

Written by Rebecca Davis


Old Fashioned Remedies For Beauty and Skincare


I don’t know if all or any of these treatments work, this is advice that has been passed down from all of my friends and family and I hope you will enjoy it.

 Try these home remedies for beauty and skincare treatment all threw out the year. 

Fresh cream can be used for soft skin.

Use buttermilk to wash your face and remove dirt and prevent breakouts.

clear glass container with coconut oil

Photo by Dana Tentis on Pexels.com

Eat raw vegetables and fresh fruit, and salad: Get plenty of greens in your system it keeps you healthy and fights off wrinkles.

apples bananas basket bunch


yellow health medicine wellness

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Take Multivitamins

To ensure that you’re getting the proper fuel to support an active, healthy lifestyle you might want to consider adding a multivitamin – one that is specifically formulated to meet your health needs, just make sure speak with a medical professional before taking them. Sometimes you can be allergic to certain products.




 Rhubarb can ease redness and fight wrinkles

 Witch hazel can unclog your pores and remove dirt.


 Egg white face mask can help prevent wrinkles

 Flour can remove facial hair and it can be used to bleach your face.

Ice Water-splash your face with it when you wash, it’s rumored to help the skin circulation and prevent breakouts and wrinkles.

woman drinking water

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.com


 Olive Oil has tons of uses from, hair care, skin care and vaginal moisturizer.

Extra virgin olive oil is considered one of the healthier oils to ingest to maintain a balanced diet. Additionally, it has been used for generations as a skin and hair conditioner.

Apple cider vinegar to cleanse hair and skin, it can be used in a bath regiment to help soften the skin and decrease odors.


 Coconut oil to remove makeup, use to soften and shine the hair and vaginal use, and soften the skin.

Black tea soak for sunburn

Mayo as a hair conditioner Oil and vinegar can treat dark pore spots and treat acne

glass bowl cork bottle

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

 Petroleum Jelly aka Vaseline can be used on the skin and the hair.

 Use Neo-sporin to smooth face, moisturize and fight wrinkles

Use salt or sugar as a face scrub, cat litter works too.

alcohol background bar beer

Photo by Artem Bali on Pexels.com

Use milk and curd while bathing.

Cucumbers and Vaseline these two together create the perfect skincare pair. Placing cucumber slices on your eyelids is a beauty trick that decreases puffiness around the eyes and is used to decrease dark circles. Try adding Vaseline with it, it is rumored that it helps reduce the look of puffiness and dark circles while reducing the appearance of fine lines.

woman girl beauty mask

Photo by Breakingpic on Pexels.com

Oil your hair before you Shampoo for healthy bouncy hair

woman morning bathrobe bathroom

Photo by Gratisography on Pexels.com

Fresh Lemon/lime or grapefruit Juices can be applied on your face: Lemon acts as a toner, which tightens and brightens the skin. If you use sugar it will acts as a natural and gentle scrub, salt and kitty litter can do the same.  It’s recommended to mix equal parts of each ingredient to obtain the perfect exfoliate while treating your face.


Drink tons of water daily –let’s just face it water is great for everything in your body.

Try products with homemade remedies in them as much as possible if you do not want to make them yourself.

c10bf86513bf5cc2ef5a0cf19a782383Good Luck On Your Skin Adventure!


How To Pick Your Lip Color Style For Spring

Spring season has arrived and some of you are wandering what is the right shade of lipstick you should ware as your personal style.

Here are some tips to choosing that right shade for you.

1. Pick a color that complements your eyes.

2. Pick shades that will blend with your skin tone ,and stay away from shades that make your skin look dull and contrast against your pigment.

3. When choosing your shade pick one that will fall in your color chart.Meaning are you a warm tone or cool tone.

Test the shades in the light with a sampler.

Keep in mind spring is about color and fun so be expressive and youthful no matter your age or skin tone.

Eye, Lips and Shoes

Hello Click, we are the ones for color and creative style so tell me how many of you match your shoes to your eyes and lips?

When you have a client do you often take notice of color hues that is resignating on there style. I will admit I do. Why do I and some people do this well its simple art and science to it. Certain colors can draw you in or away from a certain area. For instance if the face is not on point ,just up play the shoes, but keep the color in sync with the eyes and lips. To the human eye it will all come together with the right outfit.

Let your creativity in color flow today-Rebecca

Play Your Diva Card

I love art and fashion and I hope you enjoyed this style. Reach out o me by phone,email or social media if you want to book an appointment with me for the New Year.

I will shop with you for up to 4hrs a day or we can set an hourly appointment. If you need me for special events or for group styling sessions please indicate that in the contact form.

Gifts For The Teenage Girl In Your Life

Teenage girls love beautiful and feminine products, but just like every teenage girl, they hold their own personal style, beliefs and strengths. Shopping for a teenager can be difficult and stressful, but dont worry here are some gift ideas for the special teenager in your life.

Rebecca’s Advice

When picking out makeup keep in mind there skin tone and find out if there allergic anything.

FYI Daddies if you dont know what type of makeup she likes, just get a gift card .

Teen Girls love Embroidery

Find a really cute bag,stationery, or fun mug,water bottle ,or even dorm/room decals and decor and make it there own. Add special dates, quotes and messages to it. Not only is this cute, but its special too.

If you really want to wow your teen find out what her favorite band and or artists is and book concert tickets for her. Giving her and a best friend tickets, or you and her a concert outing will just truly be off the chain.

Merry Christmas To You All and Happy Shopping .

Girlfriend Gifts For The Stocking

Here Are Some Gift Ideas For Your Girlfriend.

This Holiday Season Start Early For Your Gift Planning.

Try gathering her up some goodies for her stocking stuffers.

Yankee Candles

Get your bae a set of these,when her room smells with warm delight, she will think of you.


Perfume always makes for a good stalking stuffer. If you dont know what scent she likes then get her a gift card.


Buy or make A special necklace, if you must do jewelry than make it a special one with true sentiments.

Dark Fashion

Here are some Dark Fashion Styles For Halloween

Dark fashion can be incorporated into your daily life, we in the fashion world call it gothic, dark rock, and dark punk styles. Dark retro can fall into this category as well. Halloween does not have to be the only season to wear this style of fashion.

Dark Punk

Halloween Makeup

Dark Glam For A Dark Ball

September Beauty Tips

September the last days of summer and the first days of fall.

September is the ninth month of the year in the modern day Gregorian calendar and its predecessor, the Julian calendar. The month kept its original name from the Roman calendar in which septem means “seven” in Latin marking it as the seventh month.



September Beauty Tips

Before picking out products figure out your skin type. Not only do you need to have the right skin care products for your skin type, you also need to figure out if you are dealing with any other skin care issues that need fixing such as acne or dark spots and take in considerations that you may be allergic to certain chemicals and brands.

When it comes to skincare basics, everyone needs a quality facial cleanser, exfoliator, moisturizer, and sunscreen, this goes for all ages and skin types.

If you want great results try to stick with a daily skin routine. Wash your face daily. If you have oily or combination skin type I  recommend that you find products with a gel based or foaming cleanser.

For people with normal or dry skin, I  recommend a cream based cleanser.




Work On Your Skin Tone

Toners are optional, but many find they improve skin tone. Toners are great for very oily skin since they can sop up excess oil from the skin. There are toners that can add moisture back into the skin which is great for very dry skin.

