Cold Weather Season is around the corner are you Boot Ready?

By Rebecca Davis


Cold Weather Boot Ideas

Short Boots

Fall Finds

Fur Boots

Long Boots

How to be Boot Ready For The Cold Weather

Being Boot Ready is a great way to organize your wardrobe this Fall and Winter. Having the right type of boots that fit your lifestyle and support your feet are great for wardrobe organization. Having your wardrobe organized saves time and space. Having the right type of boots that fit your feet can save you money and cause less agony on your knees, ankles, and toes.


Jean Style For Cold Weather

Wearing the Jean Style during cool and cold weather seasons can be so much fun. This style is so much fun and any size and style preference can pull it off. The Jean style can be worn in the workplace and out with the girls.

How do you express your Jean style this Fall and Winter Season? Share your photos with the Click and with us on Fashion Purge.

Xoxo Rebecca Written 9/10/18



The Essential Pieces We Need In Our Closets

Our Closets are a reflection of our boxed up personalities ,fantasies and they hold our secrets. Take good care of your closet and it will take good care of you.

Our Closets Should Hold Essential Pieces Always.

Every man and woman should have something black.

Yes Black! It can be a skirt ,shirt, shoes ,a tie. Always keep basic trendy black items .

Your closet should have at least one trendy up to date item. This can include belts, purses and jackets.

Always keep an outfit that is weather neutral, something that can be worn in cold weather and warm weather.

Be sure to keep clothing pieces that reflect your lifestyle. For instance dont own a Grammy dress if you dont go to the Grammys. Dont keep a clown costume if you dont work the circus. Those items take up space,and they are a waste of money.

Always own trendy ,stylish, update pieces in black,or grey, white or brown. These are neutral base colors. Keep a great coat and a deep decently pair of dress shoes.

This is just some of my ideas that I pass on to clients.

September Date Night,When He Asks You Out.

Okay, you are at the local coffee shop, talking with friends. And then out of the blue, this gorgeous guy walks up and asks for your number. He wants to meet up with you on Saturday for a lunch date, WHAT are you going to wear?

For a lunch date keep it simple, classy and sexy. You might want to ask where are you going before or after the lunch date to prep your outfit. For a formal lunch date don’t go overboard.

Always smell great leave your scent around.

If you are going to be out on a patio where a cute short jumpsuit.

Always wear cute comfortable shoes

If you want you can go with a dress

Orchestra Style

A Night At The Orchestra

Beautiful Orchestra Music

Rules for the orchestra

1. Always dress formal ,you and your date.

2. Turn your cell phone off!

3. Don’t wait for the last minute to get tickets,especially during the Christmas season and other Holiday seasons.

4. Try to eat before you go these venues don’t usually carry snack bars.Put a granola bar in your purse ,these events are lengthy.

5. Use the bathroom before sitting ,and Be on time. They will not let you in and out of your seat ,no matter what. So be on time and Go before you sit!

A Glamorous Night Out with an awsome date can be so romantic. Orchestra dates are the best! Plan a romantic evening to see a show at your local orchestra, it will be a night to remember.

Fashion Dash and Go Style

Fashion Dash and Go

You are in a hurry and you need to look cute while running errands, but style doesn’t stop because you are busy.

Here are simple must haves this Fall for Fashion Dash and Go days.

For the woman who wants to stand out while being out, get a cute top and comfortable pants or skirt with simple accessories and comfortable shoes for the moves.

Cold shoulder styles are great for this season.

Having a bag that won’t tie you down is a good item to have when you are on the move. Cross bodies and messenger bags are a great pick.

Let your hair be simple, simple ponytails can be ideal and they take less time to style.

Cold shoulder Style For work

Cold shoulder Style For Work

Written by Rebecca Davis Blogger

Cold shoulder styles are fun ,they are bold tops with a slight sex appeal. A lot of women wear them in a casual fashion tone. Cold shoulder styles are about having facing fun and being different. The great thing about wearing these tops is you can dress them up and down. They are great for casual Fridays and working women’s Wednesday after 5pm drinks.

If you are in a more formal environment just make sure your top is more formal and bring a business cardigan or jacket with you if you need it.


Formal Dinner Event Style

Style ideas for the woman who wants to stand out at the dinner table.

Formal Dinner Events

By Rebecca Davis

Formal dinners have there own etiquette standards. Etiquette is a word that can be defined as referring to standards of acceptable social behavior.

The social rules are made up by the hosts and the environment you will be attending. Cultural and religious views can also affect the etiquette standards at a dinner.

Formal dinner etiquette was put in place to help guest fit in with there social environments. Etiquette rules are to help people to enjoy each other’s company. Knowing some of the basic little rules will make you and the people around you more comfortable informal social settings.

The basic rules are:

1. Be respectful to everyone around you.

2. Dress accordingly to your invitation instructions, and environment. Keep religious events,political and cultural events in mind too.

3. Always say please, thank you etc… Excuse and introduce yourself properly. The host should do the same.

4. Don’t engage in political talk, sex or any religious speech and gossip, no matter What!

5. Don’t get wasted, no drinking until you are drunk!

6. Take etiquette lessons for your envent. Study who will be there, What dinner fork or spoon goes where and the culture of the dinner.

7. Especially study the culture and religious background of the host, country, and environment!

8. LADIES-Don’t Go without back up personal items (Tampons) , Pepto, Epi-Pens

9. Please, please RSVP and make sure you are truly invited. Make sure your name is on the guest list.


If you have a handicapped, or physical issue makes arrangements with the host for proper seating and the same rule for the host.

Check out these clips from some of my favorite movies for examples.

For Business Formal Dinners Know Your Social Environment

Dinner Manner Skills To Learn

Dinner Etiquet

Be Prepared For anything

Make sure you are truly invited, A story to remember.

Here is a personal story for you all to enjoy. I won’t mention the area for privacy issues and safety reasons.

My cousin works for the government and she was invited to a formal dinner event where they had the Governor and 2 USA Senators and a ambassador from Canada. This event was a formal Elite Dinner with some 1%centers,and high security clearance individuals. Black Tie Event! Certain employees were invited.

A girl who we will call Pink Elephant got invited by the intern Mr.Pink Elephant. Mr.Pink Elephant didn’t follow proper procedure by RSVPing his date. When they arrived to the door to get entrance into the venue she was turned away at the door and the VIP guests saw. THIS COUPLE WAS A PINK ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM.

What are Elite Dinners Like

The guest are A+ like royalties, 1%center, Government officials and true socialites. Image is everything and the event is truly formal. There is usually a time limit for RSVPs.Inventions are security-based with a barcode or password/code. The dinners are up to 10 courses sometimes. If your name is not on the list, you will be an ELEPHANT outside the door.

5 Cold Shoulder Dress Styles

5 Cold Shoulder Dress Styles That Is Trending

1. The Classy or Exotic Sleeve Style

2 The Sexy Striped or Pattern Look

3. The Casual Look

4. The Sexy Date Look,Minnie Style

5. The Business Casual Style

The Cold Shoulder styles are fun to have in your wardrobe.This trend is not going away any time soon. Be prepared to have the style in your cold weather wardrobe.

Written by Rebecca

What is Boss Style?


Written by Rebecca Davis Blogger 8/9/18

BOSS STYLE can be defined as a powerful ,bold ,creative look.Its a look that comes from intelligence and confidence. BOSS STYLE is beautiful and it’s more than just clothing it’s a lifestyle.

As a boss you have responsibility to set the tone in your work environment, your clothes can be an example of the standards you want to have set in your office or company.

BOSS STYLE is strength , a BOSS should be at her best health that she possibly can be. Being the boss of good health is a strengthening bond that should be shared through out your work environment. All Bosses should have good mental and physical health.

BOSS STYLE can be beautiful ,feminine and sexy at the same time.

This style is for the hard working woman who has strived to accomplish her dreams and goals. Any woman can have BOSS STYLE. It is not limited to your income, race,religion or social status. BOSS STYLE represents every woman who has embraced her inner strength and beauty and all charisma that makes her unique. BOSS STYLE is not limited or exclusive to any female,it’s a lifestyle all women should embrace.

Women all over the world struggle everyday ,just because we are women. And everyday there is a BOSS that is brave and fearless that fights for our justice so that women can have equality and to make positive changes in the world so that more BOSSES can emerge.

Embrace the BOSS STYLE it is more than fashion it’s a lifestyle.


A Boss should Always have a great bag.

September Style

September Style

September is the ninth month of the year in the modern day Gregorian calendar and its predecessor, the Julian calendar. The month kept its original name from the Roman calendar in which septem means “seven” in Latin marking it as the seventh month.



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September Style Ideas should be a time of remembrance. It’s the month to reminece back on your summer love,and a time to embrace the Fall future. Let your wardrobe be expressive and full of end of the year summer sales.

Written by LadyR